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Fergie undercover: The Duchess of York bluffs her way into orphanages in Turkey


Fergie undercover: The Duchess of York bluffs her way into orphanages in Turkey

By Chris Rogers
Last updated at 5:24 PM on 02nd November 2008
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In a dark wig and a headscarf, the Duchess of York has bluffed her way into orphanages in Turkey. The profoundly shocking scenes she found have made her - and her daughters, who went with her - determined to fight for change.
Nothing could have prepared us for this. The member of staff had been reluctant when I asked her to unlock the door of the building. Now it was clear why.
Before us was a sea of red and blue cribs - hundreds of them. Toddlers and teenagers alike were confined, many tied by hands or ankles to the cribs' metal bars. In a far corner, one little boy peered over the edge of the 5ft-high box in which he was kept. According to staff, he was too hyperactive for a crib.
This wasn't an orphanage. This was a warehouse for abandoned children.

Sarah Ferguson goes undercover to discover some truly shocking scenes in Turkey orphanages
Two months ago, I travelled to Turkey to film a documentary about conditions inside state-run institutions for unwanted and disabled children.
It was an unusual and affecting trip. Not least because my travelling companion and fellow witness to some truly horrific scenes was the Duchess of York.
Sarah Ferguson had contacted me a few months earlier to say she had been moved by my investigations into inhumane institutions - as an ITN correspondent, I had visited and secretly filmed these bleak places across the world.
The Duchess herself has worked to improve the lives of children over the past 15 years, using funds from her commercial work and private donations to help care for children with Aids and build schools for deprived children in Africa.
Now she wanted to come with me on my next venture and lend her profile to a cause in need of exposure. More than that, her teenage daughters Beatrice and Eugenie wanted to join us for sections of the journey and all had agreed to allow ITV1's Tonight cameras to follow our progress.
We travelled first to Turkey - a country keen to project a modern, vibrant image and a place on the cusp of joining the European Union. Set in this context, our discoveries were profoundly shocking.
In 2005, Mental Disability Rights International (MDRI) described conditions in Turkey's institutions for special-needs children as 'tantamount to torture'.

Disturbing: Many adults at the Saray Institution were tied to benches
The Turkish government reacted by promising immediate change, but we wanted to find out how much it had done. With Turkey's EU membership conditional on improving its human rights record, this is more pertinent now than ever.
Our own Foreign Secretary, David Miliband, recently visited Ankara and reaffirmed Britain's backing of Turkey's EU ascension. Yet, just three miles from where he spoke, we uncovered scenes that prove the country has a long way to go to meet the standards on which this UK support depends.
As journalist and Duchess, we were denied official access to the Saray Institution, a complex of more than a dozen rundown buildings in the suburbs of Ankara, with 700 unwanted, disabled children shut up within its walls.
Sarah was unperturbed; her desire to bring change through her charity, the Sarah Ferguson Foundation, is genuine. So she wore dark glasses and concealed her trademark red hair with a dark wig, while I relied on a fake aid-worker ID. 

Sarah visits a poverty stricken Gypsy village in Romania and meets some of the children
The stench of urine, sweat and vomit that hit us as the doors opened was familiar to me. I should be used to it by now, but the sheer scale of the Saray Institution makes it impossible to be anything other than overwhelmed.
Two genuine aid workers and a member of staff ushered us into a large, sparsely decorated room. In common with all the rooms we went into, the windows were barred. The hands of 50 children reached towards us - desperate for attention and hugs.
Dressed in bedclothes and rags, some had shaven heads - which gave them the appearance of convicts rather than patients. In every corner, a child showed signs of distress, with many exhibiting the awful violent rocking of the institutionalised.
One of the aid workers told us that these children had been abandoned by their parents and in Saray since they were toddlers. Sarah tried to play with a boy crouched on the floor. His dull eyes looked towards her, he smiled and he stopped rocking.

Emotional: Sarah Ferguson and Princess Eugenie after witnessing the conditions children are living in at an institution in Istanbul


But, as we moved to leave the room, he began to scream. And his screams were joined by the screams of all the others. Visibly upset, the Duchess bit her bottom lip. Walking away is the most difficult thing to do.
That building seemed to go on for ever. Room after room filled with children, all scarred by a life of lonely seclusion with sparse material - and no emotional - comfort.
A boy lay on his back in the middle of the corridor. As staff hastily moved him into a room, we were told that he often crawled to the window to feel the sunlight on his face.
The complex is so vast that we had to travel to the next building by car. It was here that we saw that awful sea of cribs. We spoke little on the journey, already profoundly shocked. But worse was to come as the staff began to feed these crib-bound children.

In undercover filming, the duchess reaches out to a little boy at Saray - he screamed when she left
They were fed lying down, which can lead to terrible infections in the back of the mouth. There have been reports that the pain from these ulcerating infections is so intense that some of the children in Saray have ripped off their ears in an attempt to escape it.
The Duchess asked how long children stayed there. 'All their lives,' came the reply. 'They never leave.' Then the member of staff acting as our guide offered to show us where the adults were kept.
Many were tied to benches like dogs. Two women sharing a bed covered in faeces jumped to their feet as we entered the room, excited to have visitors. As they turned they revealed tight nooses around their hands that pinned their arms behind their backs.
The stench was unbearable. Both Sarah and I retched as we watched another woman eat the contents of her nappy. 'She is bored,' explained a worker. 'We cannot change their nappies because we cannot afford to keep buying them.' Then she grew nervous and asked if we were filming. It was time to leave.
It was a long time before Sarah said anything after our departure. Saray had overwhelmed us both and the Duchess's eyes filled with tears.
I don't know if she has suffered nightmares since returning, but both I and our cameraman have. Certainly her mind was filled that day with images of horror. It must have been some relief that neither Beatrice nor Eugenie had accompanied us there.
Instead, Eugenie joined us in Istanbul, where we visited a much smaller home for around 60 unwanted children. The Zeytinburnu Rehabilitation Centre looked like a small rundown school. In the playground, we were greeted by excited children who welcomed us with hugs and kisses.
Here, children with and without disabilities live under one roof - none had families. There were few toys and no evidence of treatment or anything for the children to do but rock to and fro. In one room, we found a severely disabled girl lying on the floor. She had been dressed with her hands and arms inside a tight jumper so it acted like a straitjacket.
It was all too much for Eugenie. She burst into tears and I watched the touching moment as Sarah gave her daughter the sort of maternal comfort these children would never know.
On the way to the centre, Eugenie had chattered away and told me that she and her sister had long wanted to join their mother on such a trip: 'All my life my sister and I have shared my mother with the world's children. I admire her for that and I am proud of her. But life back home is so removed from what goes on around the world.

Princess Beatrice, reporter Chris Rogers and Sarah meet some children in a Gypsy village
'It's hard for me to imagine what my mother has seen. So this is me wanting to see it for myself. I am here as Eugenie, not Princess Eugenie.'
For Sarah, too, this was 'a trip as mother and daughter' rather than Duchess and Princess on a tour of duty. 'I am sharing my life with her,' she said.
Later, Eugenie told me that what she had seen had completely changed her outlook, saying: 'In a cosmopolitan city, a popular tourist destination, it's hard to comprehend places like that exist. My eyes have been opened. This is something I will never be able to explain to people who have never seen it themselves. But I will try.'
Places like Zeytinburnu may eventually close. The Turkish government is planning to send hundreds more unwanted children across the country to the Saray Institution, which is being extended.
But, rather than construct more appalling warehouses, it has vowed to follow the Romanian model with dozens of small 'family type' buildings housing around 15 children each. Romania, our next destination, has already built 200 of these.
The theory sounds promising, but when I filmed undercover in 2006, shortly before the country joined the EU, I discovered that bricks and mortar 'improvements' mean little in the absence of proper care.
The Duchess - keen to find out if Romania had changed since my last trip - was joined by Beatrice this time.
The first institution I had visited two years ago was Marin Pazon in a back street of Bucharest. It was one of the largest orphanages and I was shocked to discover that it was still in operation.
Beatrice, her mother and the Tonight undercover team went in alone, for fear I might be recognised. They were devastated. I am sorry to say that, unlike Turkey, Romania has lost its power to shock me. Now it can only disappoint.
As Sarah, Beatrice and I looked over the secretly filmed footage, I recognised children I had seen on my last visit. Beatrice had checked for physical restraints hidden under jumpers and blankets. She told me: 'When I asked, "Why are they tied up?" the head nurse started to untie the children.'
A nurse told Sarah: 'We currently house one-year-olds to 23-year-olds.'

A teenage girl with her hands restrained behind her back in the Saray institute near Ankara, Turkey
There seemed little evidence of care here. Sarah was particularly furious and shaken about the fate of one child, Karina. Pushing open a door, she had found the emaciated teenage girl tied to the bed by her hands and ankles. Sarah demanded the nurse untie her.
Long after we left, she still seethed for Karina: 'They called it therapy to tie her down for at least four hours a day. Then a doctor pushed his hands down her nappy to see if she had filled it.'
Smaller homes, dotted around the country, are starting to replace places like Marin Pazon. We visited one in Oradea, in the north, but though it was decorated in bright, child-friendly colours and no children were bound, there was only one member of staff to nine children, making real care impossible.
Sarah and Beatrice wanted to see a project that was working, so I took them to Tinca, a gipsy village not far from Oradea. There, a British charity is working to address the root of the problem by supporting mothers in the hope that it will stop them abandoning their children.
UNICEF estimates that, each year, 10,000 babies are dumped in Romanian hospitals. At Tinca, families of ten live in flimsy shacks beside open sewers. There is no electricity or water and, with little employment and winter approaching, desperate mothers have few options.
A girl of 14, about to have her third child, turned to Beatrice. 'I desperately want to keep my babies,' she told the young Princess. 'My heart will bleed if I have to abandon them. What mother does not love her children?' British aid worker Sarah Wade told the Duchess and Beatrice of her hopes to raise enough money to establish a clinic in the heart of Tinca to provide care, family planning advice and support.

Sarah cuddles an orphan at a charity-funded Romanian Relief foster home - a shining example of a well-run facility for children
When we were there, in September, her charity, Romania Relief, had already raised enough money to build a shell.
As we left, Beatrice bet me £5 that her mother would go back home and raise enough to have the clinic - hopefully the first of many - operational by December. Seven days later I'd already lost my bet.
There are those who will view Sarah Ferguson's involvement in this programme as a PR stunt, compounded by bringing her daughters into the picture. But nothing could be further from the truth.
The girls asked to be there and Sarah's determination to help is real. She plans to continue to help to build more clinics across Romania.
But Turkey, as we discovered, needs more than buildings and medical staff. The problem there is so profound that before any change can take place, there must be the impetus that comes from worldwide awareness.
As we finally left the Saray Institution in Ankara, the Duchess pulled a piece of cloth from her pocket, believed to have been used to tie up one of the children.
'This is my inspiration,' she said. 'I will take this piece of cloth with me to every speech I make about what we found here and I will campaign for change.'
* Duchess And Daughters: Their Secret Mission, will be shown on ITV1 at 9pm on Thursday, November 6, and 8pm on Friday, November 7.

2008 Nov 2