exposing the dark side of adoption
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"A hero for children"


"A hero for children"
Linda Robak, executive director of the organization "For the Children SOS, sent a letter to the Director of National Official, Marius Tuca, you'll present in full:" I was shocked and grieved when I found out yesterday morning the news of his premature death Ralu Filip . During the day, I received many e-mails and phone calls from NGOs and members of our organization in Europe and the U.S. who have expressed sadness at news of his death. Mr Philip was not only an important public figure and respected in Romania, but also a hero for children in Romania, especially for those abandoned. Courage and out and to confront the public with Baroness Emma Nicholson will never be forgotten by November, thousands of people who represent and work with children abandoned in Romania. nothingness in his passing is a tremendous loss. We can only hope and we pray that his voice, which gave voice to the needs of children will not be reduced to silence by death. In the name of hundreds of NGOs and thousands of adoptive parents and individuals concerned with the fate of children, please accept my sincere condolences. We are grateful that as a director (No? of the newspaper) and have published their views. We would be grateful if you forward Dana Filip his children and our compassion. I imagine how much they will miss. Please send them as Dana and I kept all the items and mails that I sent to them and which they consider both valuable and source of inspiration .

"Un erou pentru copii"

Linda Robak, director executiv al organiza?iei "For the Children SOS", a trimis o scrisoare directorului Jurnalului Na?ional, Marius Tuc?, pe care v-o prezent?m integral:
"Am fost ?oca?i ?i indurera?i c?nd am aflat ieri-diminea?? vestea mor?ii premature a lui Ralu Filip. In cursul zilei, am primit multe e-mailuri ?i telefoane de la ONG-uri ?i membri ai organiza?iei noastre din Europa ?i SUA care ?i-au exprimat triste?ea la vestea mor?ii sale. Domnul Filip a fost nu numai o persoan? public? important? ?i respectat? in Rom?nia, dar ?i un erou pentru copiii din Rom?nia, in special pentru cei abandona?i. Curajul s?u de a ie?i ?i de a se confrunta public cu baroana Emma Nicholson nu va fi niciodat? uitat de noi, miile de oameni care reprezint? ?i lucreaz? cu copiii abandona?i din Rom?nia. Trecerea lui in nefiin?? este o pierdere enorm?. Nu putem dec?t s? sper?m ?i s? ne rug?m ca vocea lui, care a dat glas nevoilor copiilor, nu va fi redus? la t?cere prin moarte. In numele a sute de ONG-uri ?i a mii de p?rin?i adoptivi ?i persoane preocupate de soarta copiilor, v? rug?m s? accepta?i sincere condolean?e. V? suntem recunosc?tori c? in calitate de director (n.r. - al ziarului) i-a?i publicat opiniile. Am fi recunosc?tori dac? le-a?i transmite Danei Filip ?i copiilor s?i compasiunea noastr?. Imi imaginez c?t de mult le va lipsi. V? rog transmite?i-i Danei c? i-am p?strat toate articolele ?i mail-urile pe care mi le-a trimis ?i pe care le consider deopotriv? valoroase ?i izvor de inspira?ie."

2007 May 24