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Our Independent Ethiopian adoption



Our Independent Ethiopian adoption

Posted by : Holly in Africa Adoption Blog at 07:00 am , 413 words, 134 views  
Categories: Ethiopia
Memorial Day weekend, 2004

You wanna know something? Sister Lutgarda asked me to send my friends to adopt from her! I was very happy to be able to tell her that I have several friends working on their papers and hoping to be here when the courts reopen in the fall. She said to tell you to email her the “type” of children you are looking for and is she does not have any available at Kidane Mehret, she will go out and find some for you from other sources! If you wanted to, I bet you could do it all in a week to 10 days. She has told me that she thinks the largest number of children placed in one state (from KM) have gone to Utah. That's cool. I think that one year, we as adoptive parents will have to get together and fly her to Utah for a reunion. ;) I have met at least 4 older children going to Utah in the next month or so, three of them to the same family. Sister Lutgarda is great to work with, has no problems with independent adoptions and just wants to find families for “her” kids. She still needs a digital camera, and we have all of our “stuff” here for the camera (the reader, rechargeable batteries and charger, etc), so will just leave her ours when we leave. We'll need a disposable camera for pictures the first night home, then we'll go get a replacement for ours. :) We've really liked the Kodak one we got for this trip – it's an “EasyShare CX6330” if anyone is interested, LOL. Something else that is sadder – the sickly baby I told you about earlier in the week died Friday evening and during the night, a chubby, seemingly healthy (but HIV+) baby just died in his sleep. Two babies, within just a few hours of each other.

On Friday, we finished putting the school kits together and sewing the elastic into the shorts.
Saturday, we went souvenir shopping – that was fun. :) We have clothes for many of the kids and 4 tablecloths for “hope chests”. I LOVE to buy things for the kids that they will take with them when they leave home. All of them, no matter what country they have been adopted from, have some lovely things to go with them as adults. Aaron got a bunch of coins from all over the world – he's pretty excited about that. We have some carvings and jewelry, too. :)
2007 Jul 24