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Lisa Anderson has MS


LisaCHIIndia -> RE: Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (10/2/2004 11:07:11 PM)

Hi Tamara, I just got my kit and plan to start sometime next week. I need to get myself ready first. Hang in there. I just helped my kids cut the grass and now I can't feel my left hand. Not good for typing. I need to go cool off. I think the hardest part for me will be giving up diet coke. I am totally addicted.




RosieD -> Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (4/27/2004 11:08:09 PM)

Hello all!
I am awaiting delivery of my kit and ready to get started. I am age 43 with MS. I was wondering if anyone else out there faces the same challenge?
Physically I am doing quite well right now except for my walking. I understand that cardio is an important component of this plan and I am unable to sustain my target HR for 30 minutes. I'll just have to do the best I can.
I have a family member on the plan and she is my inspiration. She looks fabulous and has dramatically improved her health as well.
I would like to write with anyone with challenges like me. I've been told that I have a very good attitude and that I should share it.
Good Luck to all Newbies~here we go!

ItsAboutMe -> MS too! (8/30/2004 2:52:09 PM)


I have challenges due to MS. I got to the point where fatigue was soo bad that I hired household help so exercise was really out of the question. I have somewhat overcome this, my husband returned from Iraq so I am getting 10 hrs of sleep on average. Once the fatigue subsided (I had tried meds for fatigue, amantadine and provigil - didn't feel they helped) somewhat I started water aerobics for exercise. I am doing this on average 2-3 times a week. It is a start anyway!

I am 34, have three children. My current therapy plan is pregnancy! It helps! Then instead of breast feeding I am going to start injections, UGH! They make me very sick. But this year I got soo bad that now I am scared not to do it. I had been cruising along and thinking I was OK and the injections at that point were worse than the MS with the terrible nausea that never subsided for me even after months of use.

Good luck!

ItsAboutMe -> I have MS too PS (8/30/2004 2:53:44 PM)

I have a book called The MS Diet Book for healing MS and it is similar in many ways, so I feel this diet is not just for losing weight but for MS it may be therapy! And the lower weight should also help with the mobility as well! FINGERS CROSSED!

LisaCHIIndia -> MS (9/27/2004 9:49:51 PM)

I have MS too! I am 45 with two children. I'm doing well also, except with walking. My left foot drops, etc. I also suffer from exhaustion. I just ordered my kit and can't wait to start. I hope that the exercises help me strengthen my left side. Also, instead of walking I plan on using an incumbent bike. I am so hopeful that this plan will work for me.:D

ItsAboutMe -> Hello (10/2/2004 8:25:57 PM)

It is nice to finally hear from someone. I am having a hard time sticking to the plan!! UGH! I had a herniated disk so I was not doing well for a few weeks. I hoping to start again Monday!!!!


LisaCHIIndia -> RE: Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (10/2/2004 11:07:11 PM)

Hi Tamara, I just got my kit and plan to start sometime next week. I need to get myself ready first. Hang in there. I just helped my kids cut the grass and now I can't feel my left hand. Not good for typing. I need to go cool off. I think the hardest part for me will be giving up diet coke. I am totally addicted.


ItsAboutMe -> MS too! (8/30/2004 2:52:09 PM)


I have challenges due to MS. I got to the point where fatigue was soo bad that I hired household help so exercise was really out of the question. I have somewhat overcome this, my husband returned from Iraq so I am getting 10 hrs of sleep on average. Once the fatigue subsided (I had tried meds for fatigue, amantadine and provigil - didn't feel they helped) somewhat I started water aerobics for exercise. I am doing this on average 2-3 times a week. It is a start anyway!

I am 34, have three children. My current therapy plan is pregnancy! It helps! Then instead of breast feeding I am going to start injections, UGH! They make me very sick. But this year I got soo bad that now I am scared not to do it. I had been cruising along and thinking I was OK and the injections at that point were worse than the MS with the terrible nausea that never subsided for me even after months of use.

Good luck!

ItsAboutMe -> I have MS too PS (8/30/2004 2:53:44 PM)

I have a book called The MS Diet Book for healing MS and it is similar in many ways, so I feel this diet is not just for losing weight but for MS it may be therapy! And the lower weight should also help with the mobility as well! FINGERS CROSSED!

LisaCHIIndia -> MS (9/27/2004 9:49:51 PM)

I have MS too! I am 45 with two children. I'm doing well also, except with walking. My left foot drops, etc. I also suffer from exhaustion. I just ordered my kit and can't wait to start. I hope that the exercises help me strengthen my left side. Also, instead of walking I plan on using an incumbent bike. I am so hopeful that this plan will work for me.:D

ItsAboutMe -> Hello (10/2/2004 8:25:57 PM)

It is nice to finally hear from someone. I am having a hard time sticking to the plan!! UGH! I had a herniated disk so I was not doing well for a few weeks. I hoping to start again Monday!!!!


LisaCHIIndia -> RE: Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (10/2/2004 11:07:11 PM)

Hi Tamara, I just got my kit and plan to start sometime next week. I need to get myself ready first. Hang in there. I just helped my kids cut the grass and now I can't feel my left hand. Not good for typing. I need to go cool off. I think the hardest part for me will be giving up diet coke. I am totally addicted.


glitterdovefairy -> RE: Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (8/17/2005 12:37:51 AM)

I have MS too. I am 30 with one child. I did the 6WBM just over 5 years ago and it worked wonders but I didn't stick to a living lean plan and have (had) a serious diet coke addiction. I gained all and more back. But 5 yrs ago I started having symptoms of MS. I have been on the plan a solid two weeks and not a bit of cheating or diet coke but I haven't lost anything. I haven't been exercising because it is nearly impossible for me right now. I am very heat sensitve and haven't found any exersice that doesn't raise my body temp. I certainly hope eating right will eventually pay off.

BigLoser4Life -> RE: Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (8/23/2005 1:59:06 PM)

It's so great to see other MS'ers here. I know they say we should all check with our doctors, and since there are more of "us" I figure somebody must have. So, did anybody ask their doctor(s) what they think of this diet?

Oh, I should say: I'm Becky. I've known I have MS since about 2000. I'm doing really good and am writing this at the FULL-TIME job I hold (other MS'ers will appreciate that like nobody else).

I just started the make-over on Monday. It's Tuesday now and it's going pretty well. : ) I'm a little taken aback oy the preporation time. I'm sure I'll streamline soon.

Any words of encouragement? please

Kara55 -> RE: Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (9/19/2005 3:43:48 PM)

Hi Everyone,

First off, I was looking to see how current these posts are. It seems that they are hit and miss. I think it's helpful to have others "in the same boat"...................where's the life jacket? jk

Really, my name is Kara, I'm 33, and I live in Michigan. I'd really like to have a "buddy" who is facing similar challenges.

Tomorrow will be the completion of my second week of the 6WBMO. The first weeke I lost 10 lbs. (hooray) and tomorrow I think I'll see and additional 3 lb. decrease. I have followed the Rapids Reults menu the entire time. I have consumed 2- 20 oz. bottles of Diet Coke along the way...............I figured this was a better "sweet fix" vs the many other options. I realize the sodium is the major proble.

I'll stop rambling for now but if anyone would like to drop me a line, please do so.

Best of Luck....WE CAN DO IT!!!!

Kara55 -> RE: Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (9/19/2005 3:49:37 PM)

I just read my post..................love to type o's!

Sorry, I'm rather anal about things like that! [:D]

eatright123 -> RE: Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (12/31/2005 7:15:07 PM)

Hi! Is anyone still using this thread? I noticed it's been quite a while since there was any activity. I am starting the program on Monday, January 2, 2006 and have multiple sclerosis. I had to retire from work early due to MS, am 52 years old with three grown sons. I found out from some physical therapy (after knee surgery) that I can use a stationary bike with handles that move (giving some aerobic exercise). Maybe this will help others who need to find a good exercise. I will be doing the sculpting exercises as well, but probably will have to break them up in to time periods like my biking--because of that old fatigue issue.

I really hope that there are others in this thread, MS does present such a huge challenge--but I really think this diet will help give us more energy and healthier bodies in the long run. I used to take the Avonex (interferon) shots, but haven't had the guts to use them for about a year now. However, I'm fortunate that my MS has somewhat stabilized as long as I watch my activity levels and what I do in general. Guess I just finally learned my triggers, maybe this will help you guys as well. learn your triggers, take lots of breaks (short naps if necessary) and you'll be able to accomplish more in the long run and won't get as sick as often. I had an MS institute tell me that--hope it helps.

Since they at one point ordered me an electric wheel chair for my arms and legs going, I feel like God blesses me every day that I'm stabilized and doing well. Just a comment for those out there that might be feeling discouraged, I was that way for months--even a TV remote was getting too heavy--there is hope.

God bless and be with you all. Hope to find you guys back in this thread soon!

Associate SMART Specialist RikkiM -> RE: Anyone with MS doing 6WBMO? (1/1/2006 11:59:41 AM)

Hello Donna,

This is a section of the forums that is not related to the 6WBMO. So, it tends not to get much activity.

I would recommend that you start a new post in the Problems and Challenges forum. I think more will respond there. [;)]