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Madge is snubbed in orphan adoption bid


Madge is snubbed in orphan adoption bid


Published: Today

THE uncle of a Malawian orphan MADONNA is said to want to adopt declared yesterday: “We won’t surrender her.”

John Ngalande — uncle to Mercy James, three — has twice been visited by adoption officials.

John said: “They were telling us a famous lady is interested in adopting our girl. They told us how another Malawi kid has had his life transformed by her. I don’t want that attention. We want an ordinary life.”


John, 36, lives in Zomba city, 60 miles from Mercy’s orphanage.

He said she was put there after her mum died when she was nearly one “and there was nobody to buy milk”. He added Mercy was the only reminder his mum, 60, has of her late daughter.

Malawi director of child welfare Penstone Kilembe confirmed officials from Madonna’s Raising Malawi charity had visited Mercy “but there is nothing official”.

He said relatives must be consulted — but that special cases apply for abandoned children.

A source from Raising Malawi confirmed photos of girls, including Mercy, were sent to Madonna.

Last month a Malawi High Court judge blessed Madonna’s 2006 adoption of DAVID BANDA, two.

2008 Aug 18