exposing the dark side of adoption
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Kerry Palakanis - Cathy Harris


Mr. Suepple isn't the only person to have resorted to embezzlement to support an adoption habit.

Kerry Palakanis, who ran an adoption agency called Project Oz Adoptions in Maryland & North Carolina, did the same thing.

Kerry was a nurse practitioner who helped run a medical office. During the time of her independent adoption from Ukraine with Cathy Harris, Kerry wrote herself checks from the business accounts.

This was in 1997/1998. Some of those checks were for "adoption expenses" and crap like the phone bill & magazine subscriptions.

Kerry was taken to the police station, but was never formally arrested. It's believed she paid the money back.

And then went on to form her own adoption agency - which is now in trouble.

Point being, if one PAP has done this, how many others have? THAT'S how "cheap" I.A. is. You have to literally BEG BORROW & STEAL to buy the kids!

Elizabeth Case

1998 Jan 1