Italians request the reopening of adoptions from Romania
A petition with 40,000 signatures for the reopening of adoptions from Romania was sent to the European Parliament last week. The initiative belongs to an Italian family in Palermo who in 2001 was just one step from finalizing the adoption procedure. "We have met the children, we travel to Romania frequently to visit them, they also come to spend the holidays with us, but the law does not allow us to offer them a normal family", said Vincenzo Macaluso. The Italians were joined by American, French and Spanish families who have been in the same situation since 2005, the year when the law banning adoptions from Romania became effective.
de Anca Mihai
O petitie de 40.000 de semnaturi pentru deblocarea adoptiilor din Romania a fost trimisa Parlamentului European saptamana trecuta. Initiativa apartine unor familii de italieni din Palermo, care, in 2001, erau la un pas de finalizarea procesului de adoptie. „I-am cunoscut pe copii, mergem des in Romania sa-i vizitam, mai vin in vacante la noi, dar legea nu permite sa le putem oferi o familie normala", a precizat Vincenzo Macaluso. Italienilor li s-au adaugat americani, francezi si spanioli aflati in aceeasi situatie din 2005, anul intrarii in vigoare a legii care stopeaza adoptiile din Romania.
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