exposing the dark side of adoption
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François de Combret said:

Wednesday 23rd April 2008 at 17:04

François de Combret said:

""The over-arching framework for children's rights is the 1989 UN Convention on the rights of the child . This was the first treaty specifically concerned with the rights of children and it marked an important shift in thinking towards a rights based approach which held the governments legally accountable for failing to meet the needs of children . The Convention created a new vision of children as bearers of rights rather than viewing them as the property of their parents or the helpless recipients of charity . Among the rights of the children , the first one that mentions the Convention is the right to a family : in its Preamble , the Convention recognizes "that the child , for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality , should grow up in a family environment ". By defending the interest of fostering versus the interest of adoption , Mr Douglas has obviously not understood the shift of thinking brought by the Convention. Mr Douglas views are prehistoric . The first and basic right of a child is to be allowed to utter the sweet words of daddy and mummy . Foster care does not fullfill such a basic right .Bought love is not love , as well for an adult as for a child .Love is not for money . Under foster care , a child is in deposit . He is the helpless recipient of charity . His roots cannot grow . If a child is deprived from his or her biological family , the only solution to provide him with another family is adoption , whether national or international .""

2008 Apr 23