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Guatemala Travel and Etiquette:



With gratitude to the loving people of Guatemala:

those who brought our children into the world

and those who cared for them until we could


You are about to undertake one of the most exhilarating and meaningful experiences of your lifetime:

traveling to adopt an internationally born child. No venture into parenthood comes without a dash of

exhaustion and sometimes even a little frustration. For this reason, we believe that the people most

satisfied at the end of the journey are the most flexible. Let this be a journey that captivates you. Stay

open to new experiences. Find pleasure in the moment. Your love for your child’s country and your

respect for its people are sure to affect your child’s view of her country – and herself!

“I am not the same having seen the moon shine on another part of the world.” – Author Unknown

2005 Jul 1


travelguide.pdf (510422 Bytes)