exposing the dark side of adoption
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The Spirit of Adoption



It is Christians who are on the forefront of this

provide the best homes for orphaned children to grow up in. Some couples have even gone so

far as to dedicate their lives to raising abused or orphaned children in their own home.

Already parents of five, Gerhard and his wife Elmane Le Roux have adopted 3 children from

abused situations. They have called their home on a farm, the Moreson Children

vision is to adopt more children from abused backgrounds.


community here at the Mission to look after the children.

Why are so few adoptions taking place?

Katinka Pieterse, Managing Director of Abba Adoptions, says cultural myths and perceptions in

South Africa have led to a negative view of adoption from some sectors.

as a white thing and it was mostly about white infertile couples wanting to adopt a perfect

white baby. Now we mostly need families for children from other race groups and we do not

have enough parents.

“Rescue Mission” and Christian families who can’s Haven. Their“We believe this is a calling from” says Gerhard. “It hasn’t been easy” says Elmane, “but we have the help of our”“Adoptions were seen”
2003 May 1
