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Ugandan Adoption


Ugandan Adoption

By Kyle Midura

Story Published: Feb 3, 2008 at 12:05 AM MST

Story Updated: Feb 2, 2008 at 10:14 PM MST

BILLINGS - Saturday night people packed the hope church on 56th and Grand for a fundraiser. They're helping a local couple bring orphan Ugandans to the Magic City, and into their family.

"When I daydream about having Christopher and Katie in my arms I cry, it's just so emotionally overwhelming to believe that they'll actually be here in my arms some day," said Jenny Moore.

Todd and Jenny Moore have been trying to adopt a pair of Ugandan children for almost two years. A process that cost them double what they thought it would

Todd Moore said, "we're just so appreciative to businesses and friends that have said hey we want to help this happen."

They said they're fine with the cost, but it was beginning to be more than they could afford. A friend suggested they hold a fundraiser to help with the costs that will eventually total about $20,000 dollars.

"I'm still in awe," said Jenny. "It's humbling for us that people would even say this is worthwhile to us to be a part of," added Todd.

They say the community has been exceptional, but their greatest inspiration came from their eldest son Jaden. Jaden said and his parents believe jesus told him they would adopt a boy and a girl. "'What? this is unbelievable.' But he was so adamant that Jesus had told him that and was so specific," said Jenny, "and for a four year old he did not change he did not add anything... we thought what would it do to a four year old's faith if we said 'you're only four we don't believe you.'"

They were skeptical but say it was hard to argue when doors kept opening. Thanks to the support they've received the adoption could soon be a reality. "But yet, it still feels so far away because we've been waiting for so long for this day to actually come," said Jenny.

The family is awaiting a Ugandan court date, after that, the adoption of 19-month-olds Christopher and Katie can become official.

Jenny and another Billings resident adopting a Ugandan child hope to fly out, and bring their children back within the month.


2008 Feb 3