exposing the dark side of adoption
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Facebook, a faster way to pull families apart.


This is what I found on my FB account today.

Here is the text.

"Our beautiful girls are stuck in Jamaica. We have been waiting for a year and are stuck waiting for their mother to submit the necessary paperwork to move forward. There is no process there to move her along. It is all up to her to do what's required. In the time we have been waiting, ______ has aged out of adopt-ability and B.___ will soon turn 7. We long for them both to be here with us but we are at the mercy of their mother for B.____ adoption and immigration rules for _____."
I loved the plea to the biological mother to relinquish the girl!

Of course the picture is set in economically struggling Jamaica. The bio mother stands with her arm wrapped around her daughter. Her daughter is leaning into her momma's body. They are attached, they are one. They belong. Mother and daughter. They have the same color skin, the same Jamaican accent, the same likes of food and clothing. Both are barefoot. (sure sign of a momma who can not take care of her children, universally thought and applied B.S.) They share the same ancestry. They are a family.

Could easily be Western Samoa, the Focus on Children Nanny House run by Scott and Karen Banks.
Seems any foreign country that has the least bit of poverty should be stripped of their children as it is just not inhabitable for them.

The pic did not come through but it is a little girl standing next to her biological mother!

The pleading AP cry as they are at the mercy of these girls mother! These girls have a mother and very well have a father. Maybe they are going to have them "educated in the ole USA, where there is a bit less poverty and most children and mothers have shoes.