Foreign Adoption: goodwill or good PR
By Stephanie Richardson
June 200, 2009 /
Today, I read that Madonna will be bringing home her 2nd Malawian baby, this time a baby girl. A few other celebrities have followed suite and have traveled overseas to adopt. While I have nothing really negative to say about this, I do question the motives. Goodwill or Good PR?
I saw an episode of Law and Order a few months ago that told a story of a fictional famous actress that was badly in need of an image make over. One "strategy" she used was adopting an African child and donating money to the country in which her new baby was born. In return, she received a ton of great publicity which slowly boosted her image and popularity in the minds of the public and also won her a staring role in a new movie. Talk about great ROI.
Hasn't this "strategy" also worked for Angelina Jolie? I am not implying that she intentionally adopts foreign children to change her image, but hasn't she reaped a lot of career rewards since adopting? Pre-adoption, Jolie was widely known as a bisexual sex kitten, who enjoyed kissing her brother and carrying around a vile of blood. Post adoption, she is known as a loving mother and a Goodwill Ambassador for the UN Refugee Agency.
I notice that when famous women adopt from a foreign country, the press coverage is different and the media begins to use different language when speaking about them. These new moms are often seen as "humanitarians" and "Mother Theresa-esque". In Madonna's case, I wonder if this new adoption will over shadow the PR of the divorce between her and Guy Ritchie (and her alleged affair with a certain baseball player)? I guess we will have to wait and see.