Angelina Addicted to Adoption?
Written by: Ann Walsh
Is Angelina using children for publicity?
First, before any attacks, let me start by saying I AM ADOPTED - so back off!
Angelina has been adopting children as if she's rescuing pets from the local shelter. I make this comparison because, as you can see, as soon as the dust settles on one, she's off to the next to keep her face on the cover. But how can she possibly be devoting attention to all of them? Has anyone seen a picture EVER of her holding her daugher, Shiloh? The real problem I have, however, is that Angelina Jolie is capable of having children. Adopting is for people who cannot. In her recent "mission to adopt" a child, Pax, you will note from all reports, including officials in Vietnam, Angelina was put ahead of the list, things were rushed through, and there is a shortage of children who can be adopted from Vietnam - more applicants than children. Based on this ratio, and we know that most people applying are those who cannot have children of their own - Angelina showed a gross disregard for those people who have followed the process, filed the paperwork and are waiting. These people CANNOT have children like Angelina, yet she finds it okay to push them all aside and use her celebrity power and money to bypass them all? For whose good? The child's - the child that will forever live with cameras in his face? It's hard enough to be an adopted child, let alone followed by paparazzi 24/7. Yes, these children will be afforded the best travels, the best food, the best clothes and the best schools. But, will they get the best attention and love when their "mother" is traveling the world to keep her face in the paper? This same mother, who is divorced from her husband and wore his blood in a vial around her neck? Let's look at the other families waiting to adopt - they have all been screened, really want a child and would not pawn them off to nannies. They would be the ones providing loving arms and laughs. Not nannies. So, I ask everyone, why are we glorifying this woman for adopting children? Why is the media making her out to be a humanitarian for her efforts? I personally feel for the people who are still waiting and could have had "Pax" as their child, but now have to wait another year or two. I say enough. Angelina, stop already and if you truly care for the children, help pay the cost for others who cannot afford to adopt to become parents. You can have children; there are too many who can't and shouldn't be pushed aside for your own gain.
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