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Republican Convention Spotlights Adoption

McCain's daughter takes center stage in Minneapolis.
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Who's that girl? Plenty of people were probably asking that question-as the spotlight shined on John McCain's daughter-a teen who joined his family years ago as a young girl-born in Africa. To most in the adoption community, there is nothing but a positive message.

"People will be noticing her, wanting to know about her background. I think this will make people aware about the need fro transracial adoptions," said Pat Bridges with Caring Adoptions in Houston. Erin Heflin at the DePelchin Children's Center agreed.

"We're constantly trying to raise the awareness of the need for adoptive families. It's great to hear of any family that's adopted a child, internationally or locally," Heflin said, pointing out that the local need is a big one.

"There's a huge need for adoptive families right here in the Houston area. There are over 12-hundred children that are ready and waiting to be adopted right now," Heflin said. Getting the word out can be tough though.

"We try to have educational seminars monthly, just to let people know about the process, to try to get some of the scary fear out of it, so they would be willing to consider if this is something they'd be willing to do," Bridges said.

A recent adoptive parent himself, KTRH's own Michael Berry said he doesn't see much in the way of politics, but sees something much more personal in John McCain.

"I do think it speaks to John McCain's view on children and giving people a chance and an opportunity-and the depth of his compassion," Berry said.
2008 Sep 4