exposing the dark side of adoption
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Facts and figures, and how they relate to the study of violence against children, and adoption.


Where do we rate among the big-bucks of medical/health research?  Compare and contrast the facts.


Ask yourself, where is the research-study done on child placement after foster-care and adoption?  In matters of importance.  I'm curious... how much cost and effort is put into the neglected and abandoned child?  Does research study on child abuse, neglect and adoption get the same, less or more financial funded interest than "Arctic", "Batten Disease","Human Genome" or "Regenerative Medicine" ?

I suppose the category of "Injury - Unintentional Childhood Injury" should be PPL's first choice to petition funding.  After all, I believe we're ready to initiate  public interest in the proposed study-plan featured in Monkey Business and Pathological Parenting.

Honestly, I'm a bit overwhelmed with all the money being spent in so many areas of research NOT focusing on the child misplaced and maltreated by foster and adoptive parents.  In my mind, such neglect and absent interest is criminal.  It's my understanding that adoption, as a practice, was created for the orphaned and/or battered child.  Given so much selling of so many babies, for so many years, it's clear the want for money and family-name has exceeded the need for a child's wellness and safe-keeping.  Where does a study on the effects foster-care and adoption have on a child go, in a list such as the budget-plan posted below?

(Table Updated February 5, 2007)
This table displays funding levels for various diseases, conditions, and research areas, based on actual grants, contracts, research conducted at NIH, and other mechanisms of support in FY 2003 through FY 2006. The FY 2007 and FY 2008 figures are estimates, and are based on the FY 2006 levels, and the FY2007 current rate level, and the FY 2008 Budget.

Important Notes: The current year (FY 2007) and budget year (FY 2008) dollar amounts provided represent NIH's best estimate on what will be funded for the categories. The figures provided are not allocated or set aside for these categories. The table is not additive. Funding included in one area may also be included in other areas. For example, Clinical Research includes Clinical Trials.
Research/Disease Areas FY 2003 FY 2004 FY 2005 FY 2006 FY 2007 FY 2008
(Dollars in millions and rounded) Actual Actual Actual Actual Estimate Estimate
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome $77 $72 $72 $74 $74 $73
Agent Orange & Dioxin 18 20 20 17 17 17
Aging 2,211 2,343 2,415 2,431 2,423 2,414
Alcoholism 493 503 512 511 509 508
Allergic Rhinitis (Hay Fever) 2 2 3 4 4 4
ALS 40 47 42 44 44 43
Alzheimer's Disease 658 633 656 643 643 642
American Indians / Alaska Natives 108 134 140 155 153 152
Anorexia 10 12 14 15 15 14
Anthrax 219 249 183 150 117 111
Antimicrobial Resistance 181 203 217 221 221 220
Aphasia N/A 5 3 15 15 15
Arctic 33 25 22 17 17 17
Arthritis 380 374 368 355 354 353
Assistive Technology 126 131 138 182 181 181
Asthma 248 272 289 283 284 285
Ataxia Telangiectasia 10 9 10 9 9 9
Atherosclerosis 318 326 322 337 338 338
Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) 103 104 107 116 115 115
Autism 93 100 102 108 108 108
Autoimmune Disease 591 584 589 598 597 593
Basic Behavioral and Social Science 938 1,052 1,065 1,062 1,056 1,054
Batten Disease 8 8 9 8 8 7
Behavioral and Social Science 2,684 2,932 3,044 3,001 2,993 2,981
Biodefense 1,554 1,629 1,696 1,766 1,731 1,723
Bioengineering 1,006 1,216 1,318 1,546 1,553 1,551
Biotechnology 9,893 10,685 10,889 9,974 9,946 9,920
Brain Cancer 164 187 157 178 178 177
Brain Disorders 4,740 4,821 4,784 4,732 4,711 4,704
Breast Cancer 693 708 700 718 717 716
Burden of Illness 424 429 433 508 507 506
Cancer 5,432 5,547 5,639 5,575 5,556 5,534
Cardiovascular 2,286 2,360 2,333 2,349 2,343 2,341
Cerebral Palsy 18 22 23 18 21 20
Cervical Cancer 92 94 96 97 96 96
Charcot-Marie Tooth Disease N/A N/A N/A 7 6 6
Child Abuse and Neglect Research N/A N/A 40 38 37 36
Childhood Leukemia 70 62 60 53 53 53
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome 6 5 5 5 5 4
Chronic Liver Disease and Cirrhosis 348 362 410 408 407 406
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 54 55 63 67 67 66
Climate Change N/A 63 57 50 50 50
Clinical Research 8,028 8,495 8,719 8,785 8,807 8,786
Clinical Trials 2,723 2,877 2,863 2,767 2,764 2,756
Colo-Rectal Cancer 295 297 284 269 270 269
Complementary and Alternative Medicine 296 309 306 301 298 298
Conditions Affecting Unborn Children 111 113 108 103 103 102
Contraception/Reproduction 330 355 340 335 334 329
Cooley's Anemia 55 47 42 42 42 42
Cost Effectiveness Research N/A 126 134 143 143 143
Crohn's Disease 50 53 59 64 64 64
Cystic Fibrosis 117 128 89 85 85 85
Dental/Oral and Craniofacial Disease 401 410 415 413 410 409
Depression 288 302 329 335 334 334
Diabetes 910 996 1,055 1,038 1,035 1,031
Diagnostic Radiology 717 750 788 712 711 710
Diethylstilbestrol (DES) 8 8 9 8 8 8
Digestive Diseases 1,137 1,237 1,237 1,252 1,250 1,245
Digestive Diseases - (Gallbladder) 7 7 7 7 7 7
Digestive Diseases - (Peptic Ulcer) 17 18 18 17 16 16
Down Syndrome 23 19 15 14 14 13
Drug Abuse (NIDA only) 966 992 1,006 990 987 987
Duchenne / Becker Muscular Dystrophy 16 18 17 18 16 16
Dystonia 13 15 19 19 19 19
Emerging Infectious Diseases 1,362 1,807 1,872 1,857 1,853 1,835
Emphysema 18 17 21 17 17 17
Endometriosis 14 9 10 12 12 12
Epilepsy 94 102 105 103 101 100
Estrogen 210 204 183 153 152 151
Eye Disease and Disorders of Vision 688 693 715 705 702 702
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy N/A 2 2 2 2 2
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome 29 25 28 29 28 28
Fibroid Tumors (Uterine) 15 13 15 15 14 14
Fibromyalgia 10 9 10 9 9 9
Food Safety 208 294 329 316 315 312
Fragile X Syndrome 19 20 22 20 20 20
Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) N/A 21 29 33 33 33
Gene Therapy 410 391 355 356 355 354
Gene Therapy Clinical Trials 39 37 31 32 32 32
Genetic Testing 426 401 422 417 417 417
Genetics 4,236 4,535 4,840 4,878 4,865 4,848
Global Warming Climate Change N/A N/A 24 58 58 58
Health Disparities 2,430 2,590 2,699 2,766 2,757 2,751
Health Effects of Climate Change 158 165 159 157 158 157
Health Services 873 887 940 929 921 920
Heart Disease 2,013 2,110 2,087 2,087 2,082 2,081
Heart Disease: Coronary Heart Disease 429 416 397 398 410 410
Hematology 1,120 1,131 1,122 1,114 1,110 1,110
Hepatitis N/A 162 179 177 175 174
Hepatitis - A N/A 3 5 3 4 4
Hepatitis - B N/A 32 39 36 36 36
Hepatitis - C 112 116 121 122 121 121
HIV/AIDS 1/ 2,718 2,850 2,921 2,902 2,903 2,905
Hodgkin's Disease 17 17 18 21 21 21
Homelessness 24 24 24 21 22 22
Homicide and Legal Interventions 13 15 12 11 11 11
HPV and/or Cervical Cancer Vaccines 15 14 16 14 14 14
Human Fetal Tissue 26 23 24 23 23 22
Human Genome 1,100 1,118 1,084 1,065 1,063 1,061
Huntington's Disease 45 49 48 48 47 47
Hyperbaric Oxygen 3 4 2 2 2 2
Hypertension 347 378 371 395 394 393
Immunization 1,059 1,585 1,438 1,438 1,438 1,430
Infant Mortality/ (LBW) 523 513 504 478 477 474
Infectious Diseases 2,441 3,055 3,188 3,132 3,118 3,085
Infertility 38 36 40 40 40 39
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 58 64 70 72 72 72
Influenza 57 113 164 207 222 233
Injury (total) Accidents/Adverse Effects 349 361 353 355 352 350
Injury - Childhood Injuries 24 25 26 28 28 28
Injury - Trauma, (Head and Spine) 234 243 241 233 231 229
Injury - Traumatic brain injury 74 80 87 85 85 84
Injury - Unintentional Childhood Injury 21 20 22 25 25 24
Interstitial Cystitis 20 24 26 25 25 25
Kidney Disease 393 388 427 434 430 429
Lead Poisoning 14 14 15 15 14 14
Liver Cancer N/A N/A 82 88 88 88
Liver Disease 388 403 454 450 449 447
Lung 980 1,000 1,025 978 978 978
Lung Cancer 296 297 289 266 266 265
Lupus 96 87 89 97 96 95
Lyme Disease 30 28 27 24 24 24
Lymphoma 157 166 177 170 169 169
Macular Degeneration 53 59 58 60 60 60
Malaria 72 89 104 98 100 101
Malaria Vaccine 23 30 44 35 45 45
Mental Health 1,762 1,818 1,848 1,824 1,817 1,814
Mental Retardation 190 190 192 188 187 185
Methamphetamine N/A N/A 43 45 45 45
Mind and Body 146 157 152 136 136 136
Minority Health 2,091 2,288 2,404 2,423 2,415 2,411
Mucopolysaccharidoses (MPS) 9 10 10 10 10 10
Multiple Sclerosis 99 101 110 110 109 107
Muscular Dystrophy 39 39 40 40 40 40
Myasthenia Gravis 5 4 5 9 9 9
Myotonic Dystrophy N/A 6 6 7 6 6
Nanotechnology N/A 106 165 192 194 203
Networking Information Technology R&D N/A 492 509 423 417 409
Neurodegenerative 1,129 1,128 1,215 1,217 1,214 1,209
Neurofibromatosis 19 13 17 16 16 15
Neuropathy N/A 51 51 54 54 53
Neurosciences 4,711 4,911 4,902 4,830 4,816 4,808
Nutrition 1,035 1,035 1,072 1,039 1,038 1,034
Obesity 379 422 519 594 593 590
Organ Transplantation 314 328 358 363 362 360
Orphan Drug 1,138 1,179 1,228 1,255 1,253 1,248
Osteogenesis Imperfecta 9 8 9 5 5 5
Osteoporosis 190 192 191 169 168 168
Otitis Media 15 16 15 17 16 16
Ovarian Cancer 119 112 106 102 102 102
Paget's Disease 5 6 6 6 6 6
Pain Conditions, Chronic 199 223 229 220 217 216
Parkinson's Disease 230 224 225 208 207 205
Pediatric 3,066 3,132 3,210 3,161 3,157 3,140
Pediatric AIDS 318 280 279 276 275 274
Pediatric Research Initiative 164 148 145 141 139 139
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease 5 4 4 4 3 3
Perinatal - Birth, Preterm (LBW) 407 393 394 374 372 370
Perinatal - Neonatal Respiratory Distress Syndrome 9 11 10 8 7 7
Perinatal Period, Conditions Originating in Perinatal Period 430 428 429 407 403 401
Pick's Disease N/A 1 1 1 1 1
Pneumonia N/A 174 154 145 144 143
Pneumonia & Influenza 184 287 317 351 366 376
Polycystic Kidney Disease 37 34 25 32 32 32
Prevention 6,546 7,185 7,100 6,815 6,784 6,775
Prostate Cancer 379 378 373 348 348 347
Psoriasis 5 6 6 8 7 7
Regenerative Medicine 571 585 591 614 616 613
Rehabilitation 291 301 325 324 322 319
Rett's Syndrome 5 6 6 5 5 5
Reye's Syndrome 0.8 0.9 0.9 1 0.4 0.3
Rural Health 169 178 199 202 202 201
Schizophrenia 335 343 353 364 364 363
Scleroderma 13 11 11 11 11 11
Septicemia 30 35 42 49 49 49
Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Herpes 220 237 252 264 263 262
Sickle Cell Disease 95 90 91 91 90 90
Sleep Disorders 197 196 189 199 197 196
Smallpox 99 324 187 149 125 124
Smoking and Health 532 537 533 517 515 515
Spina Bifida 17 13 10 11 10 10
Spinal Cord Injury 89 89 89 66 65 64
Spinal Muscular Atrophy 13 14 15 15 15 15
Stem Cell Research 517 553 609 643 641 639
Stem Cell Research -- Human Embryonic 20 24 40 38 37 37
Stem Cell Research -- Non-Human Embryonic 113 89 97 110 110 109
Stem Cell Research -- Human Non-Embryonic 191 203 199 206 206 205
Stem Cell Research -- Non-Human Non-Embryonic 192 236 273 289 288 287
Stem Cell Research Involving Umbilical Cord Blood / Placenta 17 19 18 19 19 19
Stem Cell Research Involving Umbilical Cord Blood / Placenta -- Human 16 16 15 16 16 16
Stem Cell Research Involving Umbilical Cord Blood / Placenta -- Non-Human 2 3 3 4 4 4
Stroke 330 313 342 342 339 336
Substance Abuse 1,462 1,496 1,508 1,490 1,485 1,484
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 69 81 84 77 76 75
Suicide 31 33 34 32 32 31
Teenage Pregnancy 32 30 26 21 21 20
Temporomandibular Muscle/Joint Disorder 16 17 20 17 17 17
Tobacco 531 536 531 515 514 513
Topical Microbicides 58 66 66 88 88 99
Tourette Syndrome 17 16 13 13 13 13
Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathy (TSE) 31 33 37 35 35 35
Transplantation 504 530 545 551 550 547
Tuberculosis 122 137 158 150 150 149
Tuberculosis Vaccine 13 18 26 22 22 21
Tuberous Sclerosis 8 10 9 9 9 9
Urologic Diseases 551 595 576 536 532 532
Uterine Cancer 34 35 39 28 27 26
Vaccine Related 1,066 1,610 1,450 1,449 1,486 1,507
Vaccine Related (AIDS) 405 452 511 566 564 571
Vector-Borne Diseases 296 419 447 464 462 457
Violence Against Women 21 20 22 20 18 18
Violence Research N/A N/A 121 113 110 109
West Nile Virus 37 43 43 85 42 63

Women's Health

3,497 3,478 3,551 3,498 3,489 3,496
Youth Violence N/A N/A 69 67 66 65

1/ Includes research on HIV/AIDS, its associated opportunistic infections, malignancies, & clinical manifestations as well as basic science that also benefits a wide spectrum of non-AIDS disease research.

N/A = Data not available.

2007 Jun 25