exposing the dark side of adoption
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The problem was simple hubris


The most high-profile case in Adoptionland lately, has certainly been that of Justin and Marsha Harris.

The State Representative, and owner of Growing God's Kingdom, a Christian preschool in Westfork, Arkansas, has been in the news ever since the Arkansas Times started an investigation into the sexual abuse of one of the girls adopted by Rep. Harris.

That abuse came to light in April 2014, when Eric Cameron Francis, a head teacher, and former employee of Harris, was arrested for the sexual abuse of a girl in his care.

Harris, at the time was questioned about the case and responded: he was "devastated and sickened" by the news, and was quick to point out that nothing had happened to the children at Growing God's Kingdom, thanks to a continuously operating camera that generated a permanent record.

What Harris at the time failed to mention, was the fact that the girl abused by Eric Cameron Francis, was his own adopted daughter, he had re-homed to the abuser, only six months earlier.

Let's not get into the character and politics of Justin Harris. This case is not about him, it is about the fact that this was allowed to happen.

There is no question these girls were not given the safe and stable forever family they were promised in court, ending up having to endure even more abuse.


"The child may get completely out of control at times. Then we sit down on top of the child. Before that, I used to do that to dogs, and it was much more dangerous with their fangs and claws than it is with a child . I take a good book and read it while sitting on a child."

Children adopted by Sylvia Jovanna Vasquez

Children adopted by Theresa and Reed Hansen

Cassandra Killpack (Autumn Blackwell)

by Kerry and Niels on Saturday, 14 March 2015