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US Department of State releases inter-country adoption report 2010


Last week the US Department of State released its annual report on inter-country adoption for fiscal year 2010.

The trend of declining numbers of inter-country adoption continued even when the 1090 children from Haiti for whom a Special Humanitarian Parole was granted are included in the statistics. In 2010, 12,149 children were adopted from abroad (11,059 excluding the children from Haiti who entered the country under the Special Humanitarian Parole). In 2009 the total number of inter-country adoptions in 2009 was 12,756, while the US at its peak, imported 22,972 children in 2004.

The decline of inter-country adoption is most notable when looking at the Russian figures. The number of adoptions has dropped under 1,000, while in 2004, still 5,862 Russian children were adopted by American citizens. This figure is unlikely to bounce back in the near future, given the ongoing problems with abuse of Russian children in American adoptive families.

Adoptions from China showed a 13% increase in 2010, remaining the number one sending country, with 3401 children. At its peak, in 2005, China sent 7,903 children to the United States.

Guatemala's actions to close its borders early 2008, also has a significant impact on the dwindling numbers of inter-country adoptions. In 2010 only 51 children were adopted from Guatemala, while at its peak, in 2007, the country was exporting 4,727 children to the US.

South Korea, for years a steady supply of adoptable infants for the American market, despite being a rich country, has seen its exports drop to 863 (from an all time high of 1,862 in 2001).

The South Korean trend is somewhat countered by another rich Asian country, Taiwan, which in 2000 was still an insignificant sending country with only 28 adoptions. In 2010 that number has grown to 285, a tenfold increase in 10 ten years.

2010, showed another increase in adoptions from Ethiopia, which by now has firmly established its role as the second largest supplier of adoptable children. The East African country was only a small player in the early years of this century, with only 95 adoptions in 2000. In 2010, Ethiopia exported 2,513 children to the United States, which is a 100 percent increase compared to 2007. The increase of adoptions from Ethiopia takes place while more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more and more reports of child trafficking and other fraudulent and illegal adoption practices emerge.

Another trafficking paradise, Vietnam was solidly shut down in 2010, exporting only 9 children to the US. Though concern remains, since Vietnam was already closed down before in 2003, after which adoptions resumed in 2006, again leading to rampant corruption and illegal adoption practices.

Most other countries either remained more or less the same compared to the previous year or saw a decrease of inter-country adoptions. Two notable exceptions are Ghana and Nigeria which continue to send more and more children to the United States.

The annual report as published by the Department of State does not just present the number of adoption per sending country, but also presents the number of adoptions per state or territory, showing that Minnesotans are almost ten times more likely to adopt a child from abroad than Alaskans.

Total adoptions Population Rate
Minnesota 397 5.30 74.86
Colorado 325 5.03 64.63
Washington 410 6.72 60.98
Oregon 229 3.83 59.78
Kentucky 256 4.34 59.00
Wisconsin 329 5.69 57.86
Tennessee 336 6.35 52.95
Utah 146 2.76 52.84
Kansas 142 2.85 49.77
Indiana 319 6.48 49.21
Vermont 30 0.63 48.00
Maryland 276 5.77 47.81
Virginia 382 8.00 47.74
Hawaii 63 1.36 46.32
Montana 45 0.99 45.50
Connecticut 162 3.57 45.33
Michigan 442 9.88 44.72
Iowa 133 3.05 43.66
Maine 54 1.33 40.66
Missouri 241 5.99 40.25
District of Columbia 24 0.60 39.93
North Carolina 373 9.54 39.12
Idaho 61 1.57 38.93
South Dakota 31 0.81 38.08
Illinois 487 12.83 37.96
Delaware 34 0.90 37.78
Massachusetts 247 6.55 37.73
New Jersey 323 8.79 36.74
Virgin Islands 4 0.11 36.70
North Dakota 24 0.67 35.71
Nebraska 65 1.83 35.60
Ohio 408 11.54 35.37
New York 674 19.38 34.78
Georgia 332 9.69 34.27
New Hampshire 45 1.32 34.19
Wyoming 19 0.56 33.75
Pennsylvania 422 12.70 33.22
Alabama 150 4.78 31.39
Oklahoma 114 3.75 30.39
Guam 5 0.18 28.09
Arkansas 78 2.92 26.76
South Carolina 121 4.63 26.16
New Mexico 51 2.06 24.77
Texas 594 25.15 23.62
California 850 37.25 22.82
Florida 424 18.80 22.55
Rhode Island 23 1.05 21.86
Arizona 135 6.39 21.12
Mississippi 52 2.97 17.53
Louisiana 60 4.53 13.24
West Virginia 23 1.85 12.42
Nevada 21 2.70 7.78
Alaska 37 4.78 7.74
Puerto Rico 12 3.73 3.22
Note: Population: in millions of people; Rate: number of adoption per million people

Not only the number of children imported from foreign countries are presented in the report, but also lists the exports to other countries. Canada and the Netherlands remain the largest recipients from American children, with Florida-based agency Advocates for Children and Families being the major supplier.

The annual report also lists the number of disruptions:

Number of Children Involved Agencies Involved Plan for the Child Reason for Disruption or Dissolution
1 Unknown, Arizona. Dissolution: Parents relinquished parental rights in February 2010. Entered into Arizona State Custody in August 2010. Place with a foster family considering adoption. Aggressive behavior and safety of other children.
4 Not reported, Colorado. Terminations of parental rights of the adopted parents; children are available for adoption Not reported.
5 Not reported, Florida. Each child has received therapeutic services and now resides in family foster home settings. Provide ongoing support. Not reported.
1 Cass Adoption Agency, Anne Arundel County, Dept. of Social Services of Maryland. Dissolution on March 24, 2010. Child placed in foster care. Death of adoptive parent.
1 of 14 children DFCS, Mississippi. 12 children in the home with DFCS supervision. One child died from seizure, one taken from the adoptive family due to neglect.
7 DFCS, Mississippi. Six children in DFCS custody. One child died from physical abuse.
1 Children of the World, Missouri. Seeking second adoptive family. Child's behavior.
1 Not reported, Utah. Adoption. Delinquent behavior.
1 Not reported, Utah. Individualized permanency. Neglect.

It is noteworthy to state that these are disruptions, not dissolutions, so the termination of the adoption took place before finalization. The number of adoption dissolutions is unknown but much higher than the number of disruptions.

The two cases in Mississippi never made the news even though children died in their adoptive homes. This is certainly something PPL will follow up on.

by Kerry and Niels on Wednesday, 09 February 2011