Adoptee-run study
Participants needed for research study on international adoption
Posted by: "jeff_leinaweaver"
Are you an international adoptee (or know an international adoptee) born abroad and adopted into a family from a different national, racial and cultural origin than your birth origin?
I am an international adoptee, adopted from Colombia, looking for potential research participants for a doctoral-level research study.
While many research studies about international adoption are conducted by non-adoptees, crucial to this research is that it is a conversation between international adoptees, discussing the issues of sharing one's personal narrative and origin/adoption stories.
Participants must be at least 18 years old and be an international adoptee (meaning, trans-nationally, and trans-racially adopted).
Interviews will be conducted in person (if possible) or via telephone.
Your participation is voluntary and there is no remuneration for participating in this study. Total time commitment is no more than 90 minutes.
This study has been reviewed and approved by the Fielding Graduate University Institutional Review Board.
To learn more, please contact Jeff Leinaweaver at (206) 201-3053 or