John Smith
1999 Dec 24
John Smith, died with 54 bruises, including three adult bite marks, on his body. The boy, was seen with injuries in four of the six months he spent with his prospective adoptive parents Simon and Michelle McWilliam. His penis was cut, his face burnt and his body bruised from head to toe, injuries seen by social workers who never once sought medical help for him.
John died on Christmas Eve 1999 from a severe brain haemorrhage, which experts testified was caused by blows normally seen on battered boxers.
Title | Publication date |
Child cruelty pair jailed | 2001 Oct 23 |
John was beaten black and blue | 2001 Oct 23 |
We'll back colleagues, says union | 2001 Oct 23 |
Case 'destroyed' social workers | 2001 Oct 23 |
'Jekyll and Hyde' with a violent streak | 2001 Oct 23 |
Legal stalemate prevented murder trial | 2001 Oct 23 |
Flawed social work let John die | 2001 Oct 23 |
Pictures reduced jurors to tears | 2001 Oct 23 |
Case changed the system | 2001 Oct 23 |