exposing the dark side of adoption
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Oklahoma v Nathania Dellare Tyler - Affidavit


7. On September 24, 2008, Nathania Tyler told me she resided with her parents, Ardee and Penny Tyler, at their rural residence, located in the County of Major, State of Oklahoma. Nathania told me in August, 2005, J.S.T. was adopted by Nathania's parents and moved to their residence. On one occasion sometime between January and October, 2007, Nathania disciplined J.S.T. by tying a rope around J.S.T.'s wrists and ankles and restraining J.S.T. by tying her to the vertical post by the stairwell. Nathania untied J.S.T. after she had been restrained for approximately 1 to 1 1/2 hours. Nathania was also aware of two consecutive nights during the same time period, when Ardee Tyler had used cloth to tie J.S.T. hand together and then physically restrain J.S.T. to a bed in the basement of the residence from the hours of 9 pm to 6 am. Nathania admitted her actions of physically restraining J.S.T. were wrong and she would never do this again.


2008 Oct 1
