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EXCLUSIV: Bogdan Panait, former head of ANPDC, in the attention of the Court


EXCLUSIV: Bogdan Panait, former head of ANPDC, in the attention of the Court
BUCURE?TI / 15:39, 21.12.2008

Former Secretary of State for Child Protection Bogdan Panait and two former subordinates were responsible for the Court of Auditors for a loss of 1.3 million lei of public money, after a contract to build four homes for children with disabilities in partnership with an NGO.

The total amount charged the former secretary of state Bogdan Panait and former employees and Dumitru Leulescu and Marius L?c?tu? is 1,296,820 lei, according to the report of the Court of Accounts of Romania that MEDIAFAX obtained.

Injury was produced after the conclusion of a partnership between the National Authority for Protection of Child Rights (ANPDC), led by Bogdan Panait, and non-governmental organization "Pentru Copii Nostri (For Our Children" (PCN) where previously worked until his accession to the public. Following the partnership, PCN was to raise the Peri?, Ilfov, a complex consisting of four family houses for the reception of 36 children with severe disabilities centers ilfovene profile which became major. The partnership was concluded on 11 September 2006 and require that work be completed at the end of the year.

ANPDC should bear 90 percent of the project costs of construction and arrangement of the four houses and ten percent non-governmental organization. However, under the control of the Court of Auditors, although there were almost 1.3 million spent lei contribution of about 1.65 million which ANPDC returned, only 20 percent of what should have been built has been achieved, buildings Lying started in heath and preserved without being in any way.

According to the document control in more than two years after signing the partnership, the four houses are raised in proportion averaged 20 percent. The first house was built in proportion of 40 percent, the second of only 18 percent, the third by 14 percent and the fourth were made only eight percent of the works, according to reports from specialists in the field.

According to the document cited, ANPDC pay 80,000 lei for the construction, "which ends after two years, has not achieved the purpose.

Nearly one million lei were ANPDC to give as payment for construction work, assembly, worth 97,700 lei, for the site in the amount of 145,053 lei and construction materials worth 682,435 lei. Construction materials, whose purchase has proved useless, were not used again, the Court of Auditors, even claiming that they could not be presented by the company in Vegas Company SRL Iasi executantul construction.

According to the Trade Register, Vegas Ia?i Company Ltd. is a company which has the main construction activity. It held, in a proportion of 99.9 percent, a man named John Levarda, born in Vatra Dornei, which is administrator. The remaining 0.1 percent of the firm is owned by someone named Gabriel Slabu. The company had, in 2006, a total of 17 employees, a turnover of 3.1 million RON and a gross profit of 44,209 lei. In 2007, the number of employees of the company rose to 21, but turnover fell to just over 2.5 million lei. Gross profit the company reported for 2007 was 41,553 lei.

"Association of provider claims that PCN (construction materials, no) were purchased, but without the documents as proof of purchase invoices accompanied by notes of entry - and finding recp?ie differences", states the report of the Court of Auditors.

Nearly one hundred thousand lei were spent for furniture, refrigerators and television sets with all four houses had to be fitted, but, although they were purchased in December 2006, are "free use" being to be in custody provider or handled DGASPC Ilfov client project.

With nearly 50,000 others, PCN bought a Renault Kangoo car, in the exclusive use of non-governmental organization and not used to transport the 36 beneficiaries.

Rest of money charged for damage covered expenses of the NGO, for the years 2006 and 2007.

Following the control session Bucharest Chamber of Auditors recommended that the 71 end of 11 December 2008, notification of Bucharest Court Prosecutor, prosecutors will investigate possible criminal liability for acts found in task persons mentioned in the act of control. "

President of Association "for our children," Marius Predescu, qualified contained the Court of Auditors' report as "nonsense".

"It is silly to say that all the money damages are paid. Everything has been settled by ANPDC are: construction materials, car, furniture, electrocasnicele, everything exists. Everything was paid there, I noted nothing has been settled" , said the agency MEDIAFAX Marius Predescu.

Furthermore, he stated that there are things that have not been paid.

"It is normal that there were over their homes, but that was not our fault. ANPDC no reason not to do any effort to extend the contract," he said Predescu.

Asked why they had been reimbursed for expenses which the Court of Auditors, inspectors say that there was support, Predescu said: "It is settled that ANPDC it settled. I know that everything was paid there.

Predescu concluded that the situation is, in fact, "radically different" from those contained in the Court of Auditors.

Former chief ANPDC, Bogdan Panait, said that for MEDIAFAX not aware about the Court of Auditors report, charging that it would be a political attack, given its chance to hold the post of head of institution.

"In my opinion is a political attack. Next to be nominated for secretary of state at ANPDC and had been a scandal now. Look at all that was done in the past two years and you'll see that the current leadership I was target main, "said Panait.

He noted disappointed that the Court of Auditors inspectors "to retain the title of the injury all the money paid to APCN, losing sight of the fact that there is construction."

"There may be a loss equal to the entire amount. Things are made, are real, but there was never a real assessment of the already" accused Panait.

He criticized the attitude of the current leadership ANPDC, arguing that the current secretary of state, Mariela Neagu, closed work without any explanation, to reach a point at which buildings may be damaged, not in any way protected.

"Vina is a leadership which he followed and DGASPC map of Ilfov, which was obliged to make a review. What was settled was settled only on the documents assure you," concluded Bogdan Panait.

After exactly two years from the date of signing the partnership and after spending more than 400,000 euros of public money which should have been a decent shelter for 36 young people with severe disabilities is still a wreck

EXCLUSIV: Bogdan Panait, fost ?ef ANPDC, în aten?ia Parchetului

EXCLUSIV: Bogdan Panait, fost ?ef ANPDC, în aten?ia Parchetului (Imagine: Mediafax Foto)
Mariela Neagu: Ultima plat? c?tre organiza?ia "Pentru Copiii No?tri" a fost f?cut? de Bogdan Panait Voiculescu, trimis în judecat? în dosarul privatiz?rii ICA Vasile Turcu s-a prezentat la DNA Sony a amânat lansarea unui joc video care con?inea versete din Coran Lidera rromilor din Strehaia, urm?rit? penal
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BUCURE?TI / 15:39, 21.12.2008

Fostul secretar de stat de la Protec?ia Copilului Bogdan Panait ?i doi fo?ti subalterni au fost declara?i responsabili de Curtea de Conturi pentru un prejudiciu de 1,3 milioane de lei din bani publici, în urma unui contract de construire a patru case pentru copii cu handicap în parteneriat cu un ONG.
Suma total? imputat? fostului secretar de stat Bogdan Panait ?i fo?tilor angaja?i Dumitru Leulescu ?i Marius L?c?tu? este de 1.296.820 de lei, potrivit raportului de control al Cur?ii de Conturi a României ob?inut de MEDIAFAX.
Prejudiciul a fost produs în urma încheierii unui parteneriat între Autoritatea Na?ional? pentru Protec?ia Drepturilor Copilului (ANPDC), condus? de Bogdan Panait, ?i organiza?ia nonguvernamental? "Pentru Copiii No?tri"(PCN), locul unde Panait a lucrat anterior accederii sale în func?ia public?. În urma parteneriatului, PCN urma s? ridice, în Peri?, Ilfov, un complex format din patru case de tip familial pentru primirea a 36 de copii cu handicap sever din centrele de profil ilfovene care deveniser? majori. Parteneriatul a fost încheiat în 11 septembrie 2006 ?i prevedea ca lucr?rile s? fie terminate la finele anului respectiv.
ANPDC ar fi trebuit s? suporte 90 la sut? din costurile proiectului de construc?ie ?i amenajare a celor patru case, iar organiza?ia nonguvernamental? zece procente. Totu?i, conform raportului de control al Cur?ii de Conturi, de?i au fost cheltui?i aproape 1,3 miloane de lei din contribu?ia de circa 1,65 de milioane ce revenea ANPDC, doar 20 la sut? din ce ar fi trebuit construit a fost realizat, edificiile începute z?când în paragin? ?i f?r? a fi conservate în vreun fel.
Conform documentului de control, la mai bine de doi ani de la semnarea parteneriatului, cele patru case sunt ridicate în propor?ie medie de doar 20 la sut?. Prima dintre case a fost construit? în propor?ie de 40 la sut?, cea de-a doua de doar 18 la sut?, a treia de 14 la sut? iar la a patra s-au efectuat doar opt la sut? din lucr?ri, conform unor rapoarte ale speciali?tilor în domeniu.
Conform documentului citat, ANPDC a pl?tit 80.000 de lei pentru proiectul construc?iilor, "a c?rui finalitate, dup? doi ani, nu ?i-a atins scopul".
Aproape un milion de lei au fost da?i de ANPDC cu titlu de pl??i pentru lucr?rile de construc?ii-montaj, în valoare de 97.700 de lei, pentru organizarea de ?antier în valoare de 145.053 de lei ?i pentru materiale de construc?ii în valoare de 682.435 de lei. Materialele de construc?ii, "a c?ror procurare s-a dovedit inutil?", nu au fost folosite niciodat?, Curtea de Conturi sus?inând chiar c? ele nu au putut fi prezentate de firma Vegas Company SRL din Ia?i, executantul construc?iilor.
Conform datelor de la Registrul Comer?ului, Vegas Company SRL din Ia?i este o firm? ce are ca obiect principal de activitate construc?iile. Este de?inut?, în propor?ie de 99,9 la sut?, de un b?rbat pe nume Ioan Levarda, n?scut în Vatra Dornei, care este ?i administrator. Restul de 0,1 la sut? din firm? este de?inut de o persoan? pe nume Gabriel Slabu. Firma a avut, în 2006, un num?r de 17 salaria?i, o cifr? de afaceri de 3,1 milioane de lei noi ?i un profit brut de 44.209 lei. În 2007, num?rul de angaja?i ai firmei a crescut la 21, îns? cifra de afaceri a sc?zut la pu?in peste 2,5 milioane de lei. Profitul brut raportat de companie pentru anul 2007 a fost de 41.553 de lei.
"Prestatorul Asocia?ia PCN pretinde c? (materialele de construc?ie, n.r.) au fost achizi?ionate, îns? f?r? a prezenta ca documente probatorii facturile de procurare înso?ite de note de intrare - recp?ie ?i constatare diferen?e", se precizeaz? în raportul de control al Cur?ii de Conturi.
Aproape o sut? de mii de lei au fost cheltui?i pentru mobil?, frigidere ?i televizoare cu care cele patru case aveau s? fie dotate, îns?, de?i au fost cump?rate în decembrie 2006, sunt "lipsite de folosin??", aflându-se la custodie fie la furnizor, fie preluate de DGASPC Ilfov, beneficiarul proiectului.
Cu al?i aproape 50.000, PCN a cump?rat o ma?in? Renault Kangoo, aflat? în folosin?? exclusiv? a organiza?iei nonguvernamentale ?i care nu este folosit? pentru transportul celor 36 de beneficiari.
Restul banilor imputa?i ca prejudiciu au acoperit cheltuieli administrative ale ONG-ului, aferente anilor 2006 ?i 2007.
În urma controlului, plenul Camerei de Conturi Bucure?ti a recomandat, prin încheierea 71 din 11 decembrie 2008, sesizarea Parchetului Tribunalului Bucure?ti, procurorii urmând s? analizeze posibila r?spundere penal? pentru faptele constatate "în sarcina persoanelor nominalizate în actul de control".
Pre?edintele Asocia?iei "Pentru Copiii No?tri", Marius Predescu, a calificat cele con?inute de raportul Cur?ii de Conturi drept "prostii".
"Este o prostie s? spui c? to?i banii pl?ti?i sunt prejudiciu. Tot ce a fost decontat de ANPDC exist?: materialele de construc?ii, ma?ina, mobilierul, electrocasnicele, totul exist?. Tot ce s-a pl?tit exist?, nu am re?inut nimic din ce s-a decontat", a declarat agen?iei MEDIAFAX Marius Predescu.
Mai mult, acesta a afirmat c? exist? lucruri care nu au fost pl?tite.
"Nu e normal c? nu s-au terminat casele, dar asta nu s-a întâmplat din vina noastr?. ANPDC, f?r? niciun motiv, nu a f?cut niciun fel de diligen?? pentru prelungirea contractului", a mai spus Predescu.
Întrebat de ce au fost decontate cheltuieli pentru care inspectorii Cur?ii de Conturi spun c? nu exista suport, Predescu a afirmat: "Este problema ANPDC c? a decontat ce a decontat. Eu ?tiu c? tot ce a fost pl?tit exist?".
Predescu a conchis ar?tând c? situa?ia este, de fapt, "radical diferit?" fa?? de cele con?inute în raportul Cur?ii de Conturi.
Fostul ?ef al ANPDC, Bogdan Panait, a declarat pentru MEDIAFAX c? nu are cuno?tin?? despre con?inutul raportului Cur?ii de Conturi, acuzând c? ar fi vorba despre un atac politic, date fiind ?ansele sale de a ocupa din nou postul de ?ef al institu?iei.
"În opinia mea este un atac politic. Urmeaz? s? fiu nominalizat pentru postul de secretar de stat la ANPDC?i trebuia f?cut un scandal acum. Uita?i-v? la tot ce s-a f?cut în ultimii doi ani ?i ve?i vedea c? actuala conducere m-a avut drept ?int? principal?", a declarat Panait.
El s-a ar?tat dezam?git de faptul c? inspectorii Cur?ii de Conturi "re?in cu titlu de prejudiciu to?i banii pl?ti?i c?tre APCN, pierzând din vedere faptul c? acele construc?ii exist?".
"Nu poate s? fie un prejudiciu egal cu toat? suma. Lucrurile sunt f?cute, sunt reale, dar nu s-a f?cut niciodat? o evaluare real? a celor deja f?cute", a acuzat Panait.
El a criticat atitudinea actualei conduceri a ANPDC, sus?inând c? actualul secretar de stat, Mariela Neagu, a închis lucrarea f?r? nicio explica?ie, ajungându-se la un moment la care construc?iile se pot deteriora, nefiind în niciun fel protejate.
"Vina este a conducerii care mi-a urmat ?i a DGASPC-ului de la Ilfov, care era obligat s? fac? o verificare. Ceea ce s-a decontat s-a decontat numai pe documente, v? asigur", a conchis Bogdan Panait.
Dup? exact doi ani de la data semn?rii parteneriatului ?i dup? cheltuirea a peste 400.000 de euro din bani publici, ceea ce ar fi trebuit s? fie un ad?post decent pentru 36 de tineri cu handicap sever este, înc?, o ruin?.

2008 Dec 21