exposing the dark side of adoption
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Pennsylvania v Charles Nathaniel Brown transcript


The PDF document is a scanned transcript copy of the jurisdictional hearing in the case

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Charles Brown

. The extensive 172-paged document pertains to the case of

Masha Faith Allen

, a russian orphan adopted by an American couple, wound up in alleged pedophile child pornography, and holds the questioning of all involved parties. The case concludes with the judge calling off all allegations, as no abusive action could be proven.

This concerns the adoptive mother of Masha Elizabeth Allen, a Russian orphan girl who was adopted by an American pedophile and then placed by Judge Cheryl Allen into the home of the subject of this transcript Faith Elizabeth Allen. Questions have arisen about Masha's placement with Faith which was engineered by United States Attorney Mary Beth Buchanan.

The document consists of parts:

  1. a transcript of the hearings of 7 December 2004
  2. a transcript of the hearings of 2 & 3 February 2006
2006 Feb 3
