exposing the dark side of adoption
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Asunta, a girl gifted, sociable and familiar

The minor found dead near Santiago was taking advanced courses, studying music, and ballet.

Asunta Fong-Yang was Basterra Porto's exemplary daughter. Unusually intelligent, in her 12 years had just started 3rd of ESO at the same school where he had studied, just like her adoptive mother and his alleged killer: Rosalia de Castro de Santiago. The little one was a course above her age, because the teachers had decided she was gifted.

The girl was highly prized in her environment, where she seen as cheerful, loving and very family minded. She also studied ballet and music, and excelled in both disciplines. Even loved sports and went on to participate in several foot races.

Adopted from China when she was not yet one year by the journalist and lawyer Alfonso Basterra Rosario Porto, Asunta grew up with her ​​adoptive parents in downtown Santiago, in an affluent environment.

A year ago, at age 11, she started a blog in English, still online, writing about mysterious legends, invented around three public parks in Santiago. In that forum, the little one, who called herself "chief of the Ghostbusters" developed a short story in which a happy family consisting of a father, a mother and her son broke when the parents were killed. The father died at the hands of the same criminal in an attempt to find out what had happened to his wife. Then, Asunta decided to locate the body and spirit of each in two parks in Santiago.

When police ran with the story on the internet, met with teachers to see if any clues locked into her disappearance, but agents learned quickly that, beyond the grim premonition, it was just a class project. In fact, she only wrote twice in 2012 in July and September and never update it again.

2013 Sep 25