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Adoptive parents face felony charges for son's alleged sex abuse


OKLAHOMA CITY -- Adoptive parents, Jonathan and Jaime Swim, are each facing one felony count for "permitting child sexual abuse," according to court documents. Authorities believe the Swims knew one of their adopted children was sexually abusing their other children and did not do enough to stop it. The Swims have five adopted children and were in the process of adopting a sixth.

They have fostered 17 children in the past 12 years. Jaime Swim says, "This has been our ministry. I was a foster child and that's why we got into it."

The Swims say the charges stem from an incident they reported to the Department Of Human Services in April.

The Swims believe investigators twisted their children's words and fabricated the basis for the criminal charges.

Jonathan Swim says they learned about one incident of inappropriate touching involving their teenage son, last month.

Swim says turning in their oldest child on suspicion of abuse was one of the most difficult things they've ever done.

"Did an incident happen? Yes. Did we want it to happen? No way. But we did the right thing. We reported it," Swim said.

The couple's attorney, Marco Palumbo says the couple took several of their children to have a sexual assault exam immediately.

Palumbo says there is no physical evidence of sexual assault.

He believes all charges will be dropped against the Swims.

In the meantime, all children have been removed from the Swims home pending the outcome of the criminal trial.

DHS will not comment on the specifics of this case.

2010 May 17