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U.S. baby death threatens Russian adoption


U.S. baby death threatens Russian adoption

An American couple, who adopted a Russian baby who then died, are facing murder and child abuse charges. The 14-month-old’s skull was fractured. Another Russian child, 3-year-old Kolya, who was in the care of Fyodor and Kimberly Emelyantsev was found to be exhausted and dehydrated.<

The Utah couple was arrested on March 7, the day their adopted Russian son Nikolay died.

Investigators say the 14-month-old died from a skull fracture that resulted from blunt-force trauma. An autopsy revealed Nicoli was also bruised on his face and body.

Fyodor Emelyantsev - a Russian Citizen - was jailed on suspicion of abusing the couple’s other adopted Russian son.

Fyodor's brother rejects the child abuse allegations, saying the boys had Down’s syndrome and had been treated delicately.

Flawed system at work?

The Emelyantsev had adopted the Russian boys independently rather than using a U.S. adoption agency accredited by the Russian Federation.

Critics say independent adoptions are less secure, sometimes bypassing parental background checks and periodic home visits.

For the estimated 600,000 orphans in Russia, the international adoption system could breathe new life into the quest of prospective parents without children.

But experts say the procedure can take years, numerous trips to Russia, and cost up to 50,000 dollars.

Svetlana Bocharova of Moscow's Right for Family Project says this unfortunate incident is not an indictment of the system.

"In 10 years the Americans have adopted about 70 000 children. Only 14 death cases reported within this time. In Russia about 3,000 children die from family violence. But mass media covers American death cases more," she said.

Russian officials are now demanding changes in federal law to better protect Russian orphans adopted by foreign families.

2008 Mar 27