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Adrian Nastase confirm the involvement of heads of state and Prime Ministers in adoptions of children

Adrian Nastase confirm the involvement of heads of state and Prime Ministers in adoptions of children

Author: I.M.I.
Date: 31 January 2004
32 reads
Prime Minister Nastase said yesterday, in Sinaia, quoted by Mediafax, that in many cases of adoptions of children in Romania has been the recommendation of heads of state and prime ministers. Adrian Nastase has said he has explained the commissioner for enlargement, Gunther Verheugen, the status of such adoptions, adding that it has nothing against the publication of the memorandum which was decided by conducting adoptions of children Romanians in Italy. Adrian Nastase has confirmed his words by the so-called "Business -" Berlusconi for Children ", which caused bitter reactions in the European Parliament. Emma Nicholson MEPs also rapporteur for Romania, Arie Oostlander asked the European Commission to suspend negotiations with our country, because by violating the moratorium on international adoptions, Romania no longer meet the political accession criteria.
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Adrian Nastase confirma implicarea unor sefi de state si premieri in adoptiile de copii
Autor: I.M.I.
Data: 31 ian 2004
32 afi??ri

Premierul Nastase a declarat, ieri, la Sinaia, citat de Mediafax, ca in multe cazuri de adoptii de copii din Romania a existat recomandarea unor sefi de stat si prim-ministri. Adrian Nastase a mai spus ca i-a explicat comisarului pentru extindere, Gunther Verheugen, care este situatia acestor adoptii, adaugand ca nu are nimic impotriva publicarii memorandumului prin care s-a hotarat derularea adoptiilor copiilor romani in Italia. Adrian Nastase a confirmat prin spusele sale asa-numita "Afacere - "copii pentru Berlusconi"", care a starnit reactii vehemente in Parlamentul European. Deputatii europeni Emma Nicholson, totodata raportor pentru Romania, si Arie Oostlander au cerut Comisiei Europene sa suspende negocierile cu tara noastra, intrucat , prin incalcarea moratoriului privind adoptiile internationale, Romania nu mai respecta criteriile politice privind aderarea.
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2004 Jan 31