exposing the dark side of adoption
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Forum: Prediction of Excellent News on Friday

From:  adoption@p...
Date:  Tue Oct 30, 2001  8:48 am
Subject:  Prediction of Excellent News on Friday

At the risk of being prematurely optimistic, I want to share with the
list readers the very strong possibility that sometime during the day on
Friday, it will become clear that Prime Minister Nastase, consistent
with the long-standing historical tradition of good relations between
Romania and the USA, will announce that all international adoption cases
(destined to any country of the world) properly started (i.e. with
repartitions) will be allowed to continue to fruition, notwithstanding
the October 8 moratorium that was instituted by virtue of Emergency
Ordinance 121.

Great credit for sensitizing the Romanian Embassy in Washington, and the
Romanian Consulate in NYC, to the plight of the hundreds of adversely
affected US families, should be given to Ms. Mihaela Nicoara, President
of Fundatia Adopt 2000 of Bucharest, who happily for us all, has been in
the USA during this period of crisis. Mihaela has worked non-stop to
exert her good will and subtly persuasive ways to contact many of the
people (including certain key people in the office of Vice-President
Dick Cheney, an important ally in this effort) whose help and assistance
have made a very effective informal alliance to achieve the goal of the
re-opening. In particular, Mihaela has worked brilliantly with our very
own list-owner, Laura Levigne, who secured the allegiance of 14 key
adoption agencies located all over the USA; in turn, they made an
excellent lobbying group in Washington and New York.

Moreover, Ms. Nicoara was quite fortunate to be able to coordinate 100%
with David Livianu of Brooklyn, New York, whose own lobbying/petition
effort (in coordination initially with 2 agencies) was certainly the
first intelligently constructive voice that was recently heard on these

Although I would like to give credit as well to a fourth champion (after
Mihaela, Laura and David's groups), I am constrained to do so because
that fourth group, consisting of most of the "luminaries" in the world
of US adoption, while at the same time that they presented their own
view-point to the important decision-makers, seemed to have behaved in
such a selfish fashion (refusing to cooperate at all with anyone not a
member, in particular refusing to coordinate with Mihaela, Laura and
David, and even strongly admonishing their member agencies to not share
with "outsiders" what they thought was favorable news that could have
benefited everyone) that basically they have forfeit all respect.

Could it be that their aberrant behavior is a function of the fact that
two of their most influential member agencies have historically been
among the most egregious abusers of the practice of over-billing for
private foster care of children in Romania who supposedly have been
moved out of orphanages, and one of the two member agencies is best
known, it seems, for offering to its clientele children from Romania who
have never been legally repartitioned?


I would like to think that my next prediction will entail that the
Government vigorously going after these abuses and their authors (on
both sides of the Atlantic Ocean), and that when Romania fully re-opens,
that those agencies and foundations will be permanently out of the

As for the heart-breaking plight of the families who have paid thousands
in fees for children never legally repartitioned, I sincerely hope that
ultimately the US and Romanian Governments will find a fair solution for
any and all of them who are forthright enough to admit that they were
victimized and thereby turn "state's evidence" against the perpetrators.

Robert Braun
Intl Fam
2001 Oct 30