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Degenhardt Foundation


The Degenhardt Foundation provides humanitarian aid to the children and families of Vietnam under the direction of Dawn and Joy Degenhardt. Dawn is the founder and was the CEO of MAPS for 27 years - she retired two years ago. Joy has lived and worked in Vietnam for the past fifteen years providing humanitarian aid and adoption services. The Foundations has a number of volunteer projects. For example, for the past five years volunteers distributed the Christmas Shoe Boxes for Samaritan's Purse to Orphanages and Children's Centers from North to South just before Tet holiday. They also provide gifts and Tet parties at each center. Other volunteer projects are designed to fit the needs of a particular group. For example, this summer one volunteer project was designed for a Pennsylvania college group of 34 people going to provide OT services to an orphanage and to work in three other orphanages doing different projects. Projects include a dental project, at Ben Tre, a Computer Project in Danang, and Summer
