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Re: Adoption agencies - Illien International in Memphis/Georgia?


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Re: Adoption agencies - Illien International in Memphis/Georgia?


Annabelle Illien is in Atlanta, GA and Williams (can't remember her
first name) is in Memphis, TN.

Please be warned about this group of agencies. Annabelle Illien
started out in Atlanta, GA and after many problems (mostly with
Russian adoptions) she was practically run out of Atlanta. She came
to Memphis to set up her adoption agency and some how connected with
Christine (that's it!) Williams. They were in business for a few
years until they had some problems with each other and split their
business up, and that is when Annabelle Ilien went back to Atlanta
(please anyone correct me if I am wrong).

I have a few friends in Atlanta, and they have told me about Illiens
problems. She has also done some very bad business with families
over Indian adoption and left a couple of families with no child
after taking their money, and many families have gotten their
children after having to pay more and more fee's.

As far as Christine Williams, she may have been one of the last
American agencies to work with that very wonderful Tamil orphanage
near Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. I don't have confirmation on that, but
many families have had lots of general problems with her. It would
be interesting to hear how she is managing adoptions from India now.
If you find out, please let me know so I can give some positive info
to local families when asked.

Until more families have very positive experiences with either agency
(Williams or Illien) it might be best to work with another agency


<<<I tired to find info on the web but couldn't quite figure out if
they are in TN or in Georgia!!! Thanks so much. Sudeshna >>>