exposing the dark side of adoption
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Not for Profit? Salaries of Agencies


Getting paid to sell children
 Not for Profit?

Thu, 2008-02-21 17:46 — Niels

In my never ending quest for information about the adoption industry, I started plowing through the IRS 990 forms of the various adoption related organizations. I was already aware that the non-profit status of the organizations doesn't imply a non-profit attitude of the people working within those organizations. The complete list of non-profit organizations was far too long for me to go through, so I took the 50 organizations I knew best and created a list of the people earning more than $100,000 excluding benefits and expenses that can be as $125,465 in the case of Buckner International's president. This list is by far nor representative, because of the preselection I made, though I hope it is indicative of the personal income being made by these officials of non-profit organizations.


The Children's Aid Society2005CEO$387,683
Frank Foundation Child Assistance International INC2005President$357,787
The Children's Aid Society2005Executive Director$305,508
Gladney Center2006President$248,312
Buckner International2006VP-COO$243,443
Adoptions from the Heart2006Executive Director$239,581
Buckner International2006President$233,256
Buckner International2006VP-CFO$196,795
Gladney Center2006Exec. VP$169,751
Chinese Children Charities2006Executive Director$169,162
Buckner International2006VP-General Counsel$161,820
Chinese Adoption with Love INC2006President$161,178
Chinese Children Charities2006President$158,625
Spence-Chapin2006Executive Director$156,023
The Children's Aid Society2005CFO$150,416
National Council for Adoption2006President$150,104
Adoptions from the Heart2006Director$146,214
Bethany Christian Services2005CEO$143,564
Gladney Fund2006President$138,750
Buckner International2006VP-Information Services$133,905
Buckner Adoption and Maternity Services INC2006VP$134,679
Evan B Donaldson Adoption Institute2006Executive Director$132,653
Holt International Children's Services 2005President$132,000
Adoption Associates Inc2006Executive VP$127,904
Frank Foundation Child Assisance International INC2005VP$126,691
Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute2006Executive Director$125,427
Cradle Foundation2006President$125,099
Pearl S. Buck International, Inc2006President$125,000
Bethany Christian Services2005COO$122,709
Illien Adoptions International2005Executive Director$121,800
Bethany Christian Services2005VP$121,602
Holt International Children's Services 2005VP$120,990
North American Council on Adoptable Children2006Executive Director$120,608
Cradle of Hope Adoption Center INC2006Executive Director$119,500
Buckner International2006VP-Facilities Management$118,132
Gladney Center2006Exec VP and General Councel$116,971
Great Wall of China2006President$115,139
Holt International Children's Services 2005VP$113,543
Sunny Ridge2006President$107,004
Gladney Center2006VP$106,322
Foreign Adoption Associates LTD2006President$105,875
Beacon House Adoption Services INC2005Director$105,335
Bethany Christian Services2005VP$102,348
Adoptions from the Heart2006Director$101,014
Alliance for Children INC2005Program Director$100,385
Wide Horizons for Children, Inc2006Executive Director$100,241

2008 Feb 21