exposing the dark side of adoption
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"In Romania, coruptia este o metastaza"

Google Translation:
"In Romania, corruption is a metastases"

Young journalist Dana Deac, realizatoarea issuing reports "This simple" by Antena 1 is well-known public viewer for professionalism and seriousness. Clothing was moral, dedication and warmth that is approaching the impasse are made from Dana Deac a real institution to address the trust those who need help.

- Mrs. Dana Deac, which expresses, in fact, the name of the show that make? This we live is not easy, ba, on the contrary, is a real maze.

- I said this shows "This simple" because everything around is so complicated, and we are passionately complicated and the simplest of situations. Our desire and endeavor is to bring the viewer face only subjects that interest them, which can recognize all their problems.

Then, I wanted to give a hand to help people sorry. At a first glance, the situations over which we could have stopped seemed private, but they are a sinecdoca of our state of mind: very poor people, people without any support, people who suferisera judicial errors have found new understanding and not once, a solution to their troubles. So, the phenomena of large, negative, which bantuie our society, to particular problems - and all were found to echo the issue "This simple."

Mafia without party

- One of the big phenomena, which subrezeste the ground Romanian society is corruption, that X-rays often shows in your step you are brave and risky it echo?

- Last year, in May, I made a personal investigation in connection with the Stryker deal, a deal with medical equipment, damages to the Romanian state. Because of "This simple", which broadcast reports about this deal, in November, Romanian citizens, we can richest 25 million dollars. But corruption is not just a phenomenon, it is not one business, but a state of affairs in Romania. The corruption is almost impossible to stop because, unfortunately, it exists everywhere. It is a metastasis.

- Your last investigation aims illegal adoptions of children. How did you discover this "state of affairs?

- About international adoptions press write everything since 1990. Therefore, I stopped it for the first time at this point. I succeeded, with the approval of Mr. generally plenty, the head of the General Inspectorate of Police, to consult a series of folders. We've found that judges were corrupt with a carton of Kent and other officers with a hundred dollars. Instead, the amounts gained from these adoptions of so-called "intermediaries" were fabulous.

- The files were submitted to Justice criticism?

- Yes, just as many cases of people involved in such transactions (because they can not appoint adoptions) still lying, or at different levels of the Police or the Prosecutor or still have not been completed by prosecutors and n They arrived in court. Are enormous many people involved in such transactions, some with very high positions. Maybe that's why it things have stopped in place. Because otherwise I do not explain how an alleged accomplice in the theft of four hens were sent innocent make prison, while people stuck in high positions who were guilty of corruption, is still the same functions or even have advanced.

- In what the illegality / corruption those involved in an international adoption?

- I called "mafia without party", because, here, international adoptions have been, since 1980, during Ceausescu, a very banoasa. But in the nine years under Ceausescu, Romania has offered 600 countries through Children International adoptions, while the "90 to" 99 were made by more than 24,000 international adoptions. And everything can not be sure of this figure, because there were many cases of illegal border, adoptions undeclared as such. There are people who testify in the "90 -" 95 have gone entire planes with children abroad. Before "96, there is a situation, both officials of the Prosecutor of which is clearly seen as only a few months - in February between" 95 and October "95 - Romanian Committee for Adoptions (Cra) granted only two international adoptions, while Passports Department to have over 3,000 international passports for Romanian children. None of these children is not passed on to Cra. Nobody has not put the question if these children, thousands of children, live well or not, or if you live and what actually happened to them. From this uncertainty and speculations have turned the awful traffic of organs.

Illegality lies in the fact that many children were over the border without a sentence no legal adoption, without there a correct address of parents or even their names correctly. I have a list of ten children adopted in Spain and addresses are not correct. I tried to find on the Internet, using various sites, to find a phone number, to get in touch with these families and ask, for example: "What do Sorin?" or Ana-Maria and Elena. Unfortunately, they are practically disappeared.

Business infamy with children

May illegality consists in the fact that huge amounts in U.S. dollars - around 30,000 dollars for a child - were not charged taxes. These amounts have not been declared. If you would be perceived - as is correct - taxes, the amounts so received would have been aided establishments - now an endangered - in which children are kept.

- There are cases of people involved in such transactions?

- Many items of "Romania Libera" published in 1996 by talking about a lawyer that I asked her and me to give me an interview in the investigation that they do. It is Ileana Busta, in which "90 till today, despite the scandals he has iscat press in Italian, Spanish or one in Israel, he sees more business, uninterrupted. Articles of the" Romania Libera "even called prosecutors or officials who cover such businesses. And even if the December 96 an article in "Romania Libera" clincher: "Power has changed, it's time to do it right, until today - we are in 2000 - still not right was made, and cry my left only a voice in the wilderness. I can not say that my approach has bothered anybody, I have no reaction. Although I asked Prosecutor General of the next Supreme Court of Justice to notify me if there are files on people they investigate, I was not given any answer. When talking about corruption, the reaction is perplexed by cold total. Even more: if someone insists on them discover the corrupt, many experience "barriers". In spite of Silence Prosecutor, I got though, as any journalist, official data. But I used other means than the strictly official.

With the General Inspectorate of Police have worked very well, because from the beginning, and plenty General has agreed and supported the Brigade for Combating Organized Crime so how could. Just during the investigation, two police officers in charge of adoptions have been changing from office. The same lady Ileana Busta, lawyer, he made a complaint with the Prosecutor against them. The charge was that the two and would have exceeded the duties of office. Following the investigation, but the Military Prosecutor, the two have come out innocent (I really resolution prosecutor Carp). They are, indeed, innocent, but all they did back in office. But the problem remains that the Ministry of Interior. Sin is that such situations we put thoughts. Why have not been reinstated in office? Why had so much weight complaints Busta lawyer, despite evidence that two policemen had been their only job?

Sad as this situation is unsettled in international adoptions made in Romania was the subject of media campaigns abroad. One of the cases investigated by me, the Italian Amatulli, in 1995 produced a huge scandal. Then-president of the Italian Scalfaro, the Italian Parliament and the committee empowered the European Parliament have accused Romania of illegal practices. Busta lawyer Scott broke two brothers - a girl and a boy - family trust of the Italian Court Amatulli. She convinced the parents of children as natural family Amatulli abandon the girl and he got a second consent for Daniel Elena, but this time in favor of a family of Spanish. Very fast and easy unexplained girl out of the orphanage and gave her Spanish, which have left her in Spain. Amatulli and family, who did not know all of this story, and believe now, after five years, were kidnapped as a girl, they are still legal parents of daughter.

Right in two speeds

- Have you reached a hot topic. How can we enter the European Community, when some of our lawyers are onorabilii international offenders, and Romania is considered a birthplace of corruption?

- I would not blame these few, very few lawyers. After so many steps and investigations, we concluded that the illegal adoptions were made with the tacit support of the authorities. I would rather blame Romanian authorities, which would have to be the guarantor of legality, of fairness. Romanian authorities are guilty because they allowed this phenomenon to exist. Not a senior member of the state - paid from taxpayers' money - not passed that Romania is seen as bad in the world. My shock is that after these four years that all I expected with so much hope has come since the weather justice. So far, the law works in Romania with two measures: one, drastica, applied to many other, applied to the high levels that allow illegal trespass and landslide.

- Mrs. Dana Deac, you are a respected investigative reporter. What essential quality should have such a journalist?

- A quality that is seen in many of my colleagues - and the written press and television - morality. Because, if you are not as a moral individual, you can not make heard. When you find something you really need to have pitched to be credible. And, thank God, in Romania have left journalists morale!


Reporter In Linia Intai - Dana Deac. (Realizator T.V. la Antena 1). "In Romania, coruptia este o metastaza". Tanara ziarista Dana Deac, realizatoarea emisiunii de reportaje "Prezentul simplu" de la Antena 1, este binecunoscuta publicului telespectator pentru seriozitate si profesion...

Reporter In Linia Intai - Dana Deac

(Realizator T.V. la Antena 1)

"In Romania, coruptia este o metastaza"

Tanara ziarista Dana Deac, realizatoarea emisiunii de reportaje "Prezentul simplu" de la Antena 1, este binecunoscuta publicului telespectator pentru seriozitate si profesionalism. Tinuta sa morala, devotamentul si caldura cu care se apropie de cei aflati in impas au facut din Dana Deac o adevarata institutie careia i se adreseaza cu incredere cei ce au nevoie de ajutor.

- D-na Dana Deac, ce exprima, de fapt, numele emisiunii pe care o realizati? Prezentul pe care-l traim nu este deloc simplu, ba dimpotriva, e un adevarat labirint.

- I-am spus acestei emisiuni "Prezentul simplu" pentru ca totul in jur este atat de complicat, iar noi ne complicam cu pasiune si cele mai simple situatii. Dorinta si stradania noastra este de a aduce in fata telespectatorilor numai subiecte care sa-i intereseze, in care sa se poata recunoaste cu toate problemele lor.

Apoi, am cautat sa dam o mana de ajutor oamenilor amarati. La o prima vedere, situatiile asupra carora ne-am oprit ar fi putut parea particulare, dar ele sunt o sinecdoca a starii noastre de spirit: oameni foarte saraci, oameni fara vreun sprijin, oameni care suferisera erori judiciare au gasit la noi intelegere si, nu o data, o rezolvare a necazurilor lor. Asadar, de la fenomenele mari, negative, care bantuie societatea noastra, pana la probleme particulare - toate si-au gasit ecou la emisiunea "Prezentul simplu".

Mafia fara partid

- Unul dintre fenomenele mari, care subrezeste din temelii societatea romaneasca, este coruptia, pe care o radiografiati adesea in emisiunile dvs. Demersul dvs. curajos si riscant are oare ecou?

- Anul trecut, in luna mai, am realizat personal o ancheta in legatura cu afacerea Stryker, o afacere cu echipamente medicale, paguboasa pentru statul roman. Datorita emisiunii "Prezentul simplu", care a difuzat reportajul despre aceasta afacere, noi, cetatenii romani, suntem poate mai bogati cu 25 de milioane de dolari. Dar coruptia nu este doar un fenomen, ea nu tine de o singura afacere, ci este o stare de fapt in Romania. Asupra coruptiei este aproape imposibil sa te opresti pentru ca, din pacate, ea exista pretutindeni. Este o metastaza.

- Ultimele dvs. investigatii vizeaza adoptiile ilegale de copii. Cum ati descoperit aceasta "stare de fapt"?

- Despre adoptiile internationale presa tot scrie inca din 1990. Prin urmare, nu m-am oprit eu pentru prima oara la acest subiect. Eu am reusit, cu aprobarea domnului general Berechet, seful Inspectoratului General al Politiei, sa consult o serie de dosare. Am descoperit ca judecatorii fusesera corupti cu un cartus de Kent sau alti functionari cu o suta de dolari. In schimb, sumele castigate din aceste adoptii de asa-numitii "intermediari" erau fabuloase.

- Dosarele au fost inaintate Justitiei spre judecare?

- Da, numai ca foarte multe dosare ale persoanelor implicate in astfel de tranzactii (pentru ca nu le pot numi adoptii) zac inca, fie la diferite nivele ale Politiei, fie la Parchete, fie inca n-au fost finalizate de catre procurori si n-au ajuns in instanta. Sunt enorm de multe persoane implicate in asemenea tranzactii, unele cu functii foarte inalte. Poate de aceea si lucrurile s-au oprit in loc. Pentru ca altfel nu-mi explic cum un presupus complice la furtul a patru gaini a fost trimis, nevinovat, sa faca inchisoare, in vreme ce persoane infipte in functii inalte, care s-au facut vinovate de coruptie, se afla in continuare in aceleasi functii sau chiar au avansat.

- In ce consta ilegalitatea/coruptia celor implicati intr-o adoptie internationala?

- Eu i-am numit "mafie fara partid", pentru ca, iata, adoptiile internationale au fost, inca din 1980, din timpul lui Ceausescu, o activitate foarte banoasa. Dar in cei noua ani, sub Ceausescu, Romania a oferit strainatatii 600 de copii prin adoptii internationale, in vreme ce din "90 pana in "99 s-au facut peste 24.000 de adoptii internationale. Si tot nu putem fi siguri de aceasta cifra, deoarece au mai existat foarte multe cazuri de trecere frauduloasa a granitei, adoptii nedeclarate ca atare. Exista persoane care depun marturie ca in perioada "90-"95 au plecat avioane intregi cu copii in strainatate. Pana in "96, exista o situatie, realizata de functionari ai Parchetului din care se vede clar ca doar in cateva luni - intre februarie "95 si octombrie "95 - Comitetul Roman pentru Adoptii (Cra) acorda doar doua adoptii internationale, in vreme ce la Directia Pasapoarte avem peste 3000 de pasapoarte internationale pentru copii romani. Nici unul dintre acesti copii nu trecusera pe la Cra. Nimeni nu si-a pus intrebarea daca acesti copii, mii de copii, traiesc bine sau nu, sau daca traiesc efectiv si ce s-a intamplat cu ei. De la aceasta incertitudine au pornit si speculatii ingrozitoare ca traficul de organe.

Ilegalitatea consta in faptul ca multi copii au fost trecuti peste granita fara sa existe o sentinta legala de adoptie, fara sa existe o adresa corecta a parintilor adoptivi sau macar numele corect al acestora. Am o lista de zece copii adoptati in Spania, iar adresele nu sunt corecte. Am incercat sa le gasim pe Internet, folosind diversele site-uri, sa descoperim un numar de telefon, sa luam legatura cu aceste familii si sa intrebam, de pilda: "Ce face Sorin?" sau Ana-Maria, sau Elena. Din pacate, ei sunt practic disparuti.

Afaceri marsave cu copii

Ilegalitatea mai consta si in faptul ca pentru sumele uriase in dolari - aproximativ 30.000 de dolari pentru un copil - nu s-au perceput impozite. Aceste sume n-au fost declarate. Daca s-ar fi perceput - cum este corect - impozite, cu sumele astfel obtinute ar fi fost ajutate stabilimentele - azi pe cale de disparitie - in care sunt tinuti copiii.

- Exista cazuri concrete ale unor persoane implicate in astfel de tranzactii?

- Multe articole din "Romania libera" aparute pana in 1996 vorbesc despre o avocata pe care am rugat-o si eu sa-mi acorde un interviu, in investigatia pe care o fac. Este vorba de Ileana Bustea, care din "90 pana astazi, in ciuda scandalurilor pe care le-a iscat in presa italiana, spaniola sau in cea din Israel, isi vede mai departe de afaceri, netulburata. Articolele din "Romania libera" numeau chiar procurori sau functionari publici care acopereau astfel de afaceri. Si chiar daca in decembrie "96 un articol din "Romania libera" clama: "S-a schimbat Puterea, e vremea sa se faca dreptate", pana astazi - suntem in anul 2000 - dreptate inca nu s-a facut, iar strigatul colegului meu a ramas doar un strigat in pustiu. Pot spune ca nici demersul meu n-a deranjat pe nimeni, n-au existat reactii. Desi am cerut Parchetului General de pe langa Curtea Suprema de Justitie sa mi se comunice daca exista dosare cu privire la persoanele pe care le investigam, nu mi s-a dat nici un raspuns. Atunci cand se vorbeste despre coruptie, reactia este de perplexitate, de raceala totala. Ba chiar mai mult: daca cineva insista sa-i descopere pe cei corupti, intampina numeroase "bariere". In ciuda tacerii Parchetului, am obtinut totusi, ca orice jurnalist, date oficiale. Dar m-am folosit de alte mijloace decat cele strict oficiale.

Cu Inspectoratul General de Politie am colaborat foarte bine, pentru ca de la inceput, generalul Berechet si-a dat acordul si am fost sprijinita de Brigada pentru Combaterea Crimei Organizate atat cat s-a putut. Exact in timpul investigatiei, cei doi ofiteri de Politie care se ocupau de adoptii au fost schimbati din functie. Aceeasi doamna Ileana Bustea, avocata, a facut o plangere la Parchet impotriva lor. Acuzatia era ca cei doi si-ar fi depasit sarcinile de serviciu. In urma anchetei Parchetului Militar insa, cei doi au iesit nevinovati (am chiar rezolutia procurorului Carp). Ei sunt, intr-adevar, nevinovati, dar tot n-au revenit in functie. Asta insa ramane problema Ministerului de Interne. Pacatul este ca asemenea situatii ne pun pe ganduri. De ce n-au fost repusi in functie? De ce au avut atata greutate plangerile avocatei Bustea, in ciuda evidentei ca cei doi politisti isi facusera doar meseria?

Trist este ca aceasta situatie tulbure din domeniul adoptiilor internationale facute in Romania a constituit subiectul unor campanii de presa in strainatate. Unul dintre cazurile investigate de mine, al italianului Amatulli, a produs in 1995 un urias scandal. Presedintele de-atunci al Italiei, Scalfaro, Parlamentul italian si comisia abilitata din Parlamentul european au acuzat Romania de practici ilegale. Avocata Ileana Bustea a despartit doi frati - o fata si un baiat - incredintati de Tribunal familiei italiene Amatulli. Ea a convins parintii naturali ai copiilor ca familia Amatulli renunta la fetita si asa a obtinut un al doilea consimtamant pentru Daniela Elena, dar de data aceasta in favoarea unei familii de spanioli. Foarte repede si inexplicabil de usor a scos fetita din orfelinat si a dat-o spaniolilor, care au si plecat cu ea in Spania. Iar familia Amatulli, care nu stia de toata aceasta poveste, considera si acum, dupa cinci ani, ca li s-a rapit o fata, ei fiind in continuare parintii legali ai fetitei.

Dreptate in doua viteze

- Ati atins un subiect fierbinte. Cum vom putea intra in Comunitatea Europeana, cand unii dintre onorabilii nostri avocati sunt delincventi internationali, iar Romania este considerata o patrie a coruptiei?

- Eu nu i-as invinovati pe acesti cativa, foarte putini avocati. Dupa atatea demersuri si investigatii, am ajuns la concluzia ca adoptiile ilegale s-au facut cu sprijinul tacit al autoritatilor. Eu as invinui mai degraba autoritatile romane, care ar fi trebuit sa fie garantul legalitatii, al corectitudinii. Autoritatile romane sunt vinovate pentru ca au permis ca acest fenomen sa existe. Nici unui inalt functionar de stat - platit din banii contribuabililor - nu i-a pasat ca Romania este vazuta atat de prost in lume. Socul meu este ca dupa acesti patru ani, pe care toti i-am asteptat cu atata speranta, n-a venit inca vremea dreptatii. Deocamdata, in Romania legea functioneaza cu doua masuri: una, drastica, aplicata celor multi, cealalta, aplicata unora de la inalte nivele, care admite ilegalitati si faradelegi rasunatoare.

- D-na Dana Deac, sunteti un respectat reporter de investigatie. Ce calitate esentiala ar trebui sa aiba un astfel de ziarist?

- O calitate care se vede la foarte multi dintre colegii mei - si din presa scrisa si din televiziune - moralitatea. Pentru ca, daca nu esti moral ca individ, nu te poti face auzit. Atunci cand descoperi ceva, trebuie neaparat sa ai tinuta morala pentru a fi credibil. Si, slava Domnului, in Romania au mai ramas ziaristi morali!

Sanda Anghelescu

2000 Jan 1


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