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After Americans, the French ask for resumption of international adoptions

After Americans, the French ask for resumption of international adoptions 
Autor: Magda Cri?an
Data: 27 apr 2005
Nearly 9,000 children were abandoned in 2004, or in maternity hospitals in Romania, who estimated France. Vice President of Organization France, Francois de Combret, said, according to an article published in "Le Figaro", as the number of children abandoned in Romania "remains as strong as during the Ceausescu." A survey undertaken by UNICEF confirm data provided by the French NGO. Abandonurilor pace but has remained constant because of poverty that affects one third of the population, lack of family planning-level and family allowances. New legislation, which came into force on 1 January 2005, almost totally prohibit international adoptions, while the number of national adoptions is about 1000 per year. The solution incredintarii children of families to raise, a way favored by the Romanian authorities, has proven to be onerous. A maternal care costs about 16 million a year and they are in number around 15,000. Because placing children in orphanages less than two years is prohibited, the number of maternal nurses will be insufficient if the pace is not brake early. UNICEF recommend measures for improving the system of registration of the newborn. currently, almost one third of newborns abandoned not have IDs, which makes them invisible to the legal level. That France has appealed to the European Union to help Romania to improve its policy of prevention and early defense of the rights of the child to have a family. This assumes, in his opinion Francois de Combret, "a return to international adoptions, which once allowed a total of approximately 4,000 children to find a family abroad."


Dupa americani, si francezii cer reluarea adoptiilor internationale
Autor: Magda Cri?an
Data: 27 apr 2005

Aproape 9.000 de copii au fost abandonati, in 2004, in maternitati sau spitale din Romania, a estimat organizatia Care France. Vicepresedintele organizatiei Care France, Francois de Combret, a afirmat, conform unui articol publicat in "Le Figaro", ca numarul copiilor abandonati in Romania "ramane la fel de mare ca in timpul lui Ceausescu". O ancheta intreprinsa de UNICEF confirma datele furnizate de ONG-ul francez. Ritmul abandonurilor a ramas insa constant din cauza saraciei care afecteaza o treime din populatie, absentei planning-ului familial si nivelului alocatiilor familiale. Noua legislatie, intrata in vigoare la 1 ianuarie 2005, interzice aproape in totalitate adoptiile internationale, in timp ce numarul adoptiilor nationale este de circa 1.000 pe an. Solutia incredintarii copiilor unor familii pentru a-i creste, modalitate favorizata de autoritatile romane, s-a dovedit a fi oneroasa. O asistenta maternala costa aproximativ 16 milioane pe an si ele sunt in numar de circa 15.000. Pentru ca plasarea in orfelinate a copiilor mai mici de doi ani este interzisa, numarul asistentelor maternale va fi insuficient daca ritmul abandonului nu este franat. UNICEF recomanda masuri pentru ameliorarea sistemului de inregistrare a nou-nascutilor. in prezent, aproape o treime din nou-nascutii abandonati nu au acte de identitate, ceea ce ii face invizibili la nivel legal. Care France a facut apel la Uniunea Europeana sa ajute Romania pentru ameliorarea politicii sale de prevenire a abandonului si de aparare a drepturilor copilului de a avea o familie. Aceasta presupune, in opinia lui Francois de Combret, "o revenire la adoptiile internationale, care permiteau candva unui numar de aproximativ 4.000 de copii sa-si gaseasca o familie in strainatate".
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2005 Apr 27