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Dispute over a five-year old

Sat, 27 Feb 1997 13:06:52 GMT

Dispute over a five-year old
EDITA Keranovi?
Mother BOSNIA AND foster mother Britain

AIM, SARAJEVO, 27.02.97. In mid-February this year, according to the decision of higher court in Britain, Edita Keranovi?, five-year-old Bosnian daughter, dodjeljena after the long process to charge U.S. twin pairs Fowler. Other regions in the process was Editin grandfather Hasan Keranovi?. After he lost cause, the nearest djevojcicinom relatives remained just that - the role of an appeal.

Hasan grandfather confuse the sapleo and uzdrhtalim inarticulate voice answered a reporter's question AIM what will happen if the appeal is declined. What will happen if Edita dazivi remain as a foster child Deborah (49) and Alan (63), English couples, who are Bosnian girl, under suspicious circumstances, adopted at the end of the year 1992:

"That I can not imagine. I can not imagine that it is outside our family. Keranovi? Van us," said Editin grandfather.

Hasan Keranovi? lost nine family members nearby in 1992. The Hrustovu in the village near Sanski Most. In a local garage Karadzic Serbs killed his wife, son petnaestogodisnjeg, three snahe and three grandchildren.

"One daughter-in-law I was expecting the third, fourth month. That means that in the human stomach had Insane. Racunaj that I have not lost three, but four grandchildren," showing Keranovi?.

Edita is the happiness remained alive, but her father, Suad, unfortunately, disappeared along with forty-six soldiers from that area. Her mother is one of the three killed Hasan from garage snahe.

Little Book, then two-year daughter, Bosnian Serbs transported in Prijedor, Banja Luka and the hospital (she was wounded with three Pieces of shrapnel in the head), so that after intervention by British journalist Graham beans (wrote about in the Book List "Today" and personally know a couple Fowler ), And "benefactress" lady Miloske notte (founder of a charitable organization to help victims of war BiH) evakuisali for Zagreb. Shortly then Edita was on its way to London for "treatment". Immediately upon arrival assigned to the twin pairs Fowler, who has shown interest in the child unfortunately. Fowlerovima this is the second adopted child, because in addition to her two they are parents and a Romanian sirocetu.

Editin grandfather and uncle Hasan Rufad Keranovi? were prisoners Manjaca camp when they were neighbors from the village stealthily sent a short ceduljuci on which was written to Edita alive. Upon the liberation went into Svajcarsku and from the beginning of 1993. years seeking justice and the return of one of only three survive Keranovi? unuceta. However, courts in Britain, issued a decision under which Edita awarded Fowlerovim.

"Doctor Kameron (court psychologist, op.a.) said at trial that the English will be a couple of good psychological parent. Have they can, foreigners will be better guardians Book than it was dedo or its amidza," asks the Rufad Keranovi?.

The law, obviously, does not think so. According Rufadovim words of explanation states that the verdict would Book was when the juice has gone from the family circle Fowler. As a reason for states to that little girl does not know his native language, so it is now sporazumjeva only in English, and many other objections. Verdict is, how hard Rufad, long even forty-eight kucanih site.

The process is okoncan 14th February of this year, and from that date so in the next twenty-eight days, Keranovi?, or their English lawyers, should lodge an appeal, which will.

"Horrible zaboljelo us what are our Book and led the church. This woman (Deborah), even, has publicly told the court that he knowingly and intentionally baptized our child," says djevojcicin uncle Rufad.

And grandfather Hasan says that it hurts what they are in his unucetu behaving like that they do not know that she Bosnjakinja and Muslim Women.

"Why did they? Why are the baptized when they already know that does not belong nihovoj culture and their obicajima," sad to ask Hasan.

He, otherwise, now lives alone in the small Swiss town. For the fifth rodjendan Edita would have to come to visit. According to the decision of the court, four times a year, Fowler are bound to odvedu his right, blood relatives. So will Edita visit Keranovi? come in late March or early April.

"Well, what can you say to you. I hope justice will be for us Keranovi?. I let everybody knows that Edita, our and our only child," Hasan sent grandfather.

The state of Bosnia and Herzegovina, more exact it of its representatives in London consulate, they did not do a lot of bass to protect the interests of BH drzavljana in this dispute. According to AIM's representative of Bosnia-Herzegovina Embassy in the capital of England was in the courtroom only the last two days hearing. However, Bosnia and Herzegovina as a state is not in this process officially occurred. Hasan Keranovi? interests are represented as intersi private persons. That the process vodjen case as "state against state," the whole procedure, claim upuceniji, would be built at a higher level and would have an entirely different implications. And more than likely, the other outcome.

It is interesting that the Keranovi? addressed and Djecijoj embassy in Sarajevo, which asked to be on their behalf addressed BH state, or the people "who were sent to the treatment of the child", to the Appeals Process got a girl back. These are then BH embassy officials in Zagreb Ismet Grbi (today potparol ruling SDA), Semsi Tankovicu (also a high official of the SDA in Croatia), and certain Muhidinu Alicehajicu doctor who was "appointed guardian of a child by the Bosnian embassy." Our attempt to something more about all learn from the SDA potparola Ismet Grbe otao is unfortunately only attempt. Mr. Grbo declined, namely, to comment "Keranovi? case."

On the other hand, the UK ambassador to Bosnia, Charles Crawford, contends that the ovdasnjoj public "does not specify fact that the families Fowler has not got the right to adopt a girl, and that Edita is exclusively under zastitom Court."

- Ignored the fact that the court demanded that little girl UCI Bosnian language, that her approaching Bosnjacka culture, and that each three-month report on these provisions submitted to the court, and her grandfather and cousins, says our ambassador Crawford.

He explains how and has two children, and that it is difficult to imagine "what would be if something similar happened his younger son, who is Editino year."

"I understand arguments that should be Edita Keranovi? returned to Bosnia. What I understood, her grandfather lives in Switzerland, and Cana remain there," Crawford notes, and repeated that the British court decision is based solely on the desire to satisfying the interests of small Edita :

- Imagine trying to osjecalo when the child would be separate from the only family you know, when they began to live with people who had never met, when they came to an entirely different country, where people talk about it completely unknown language. These would be horrible stress for the child, showing the British ambassador Crawford.

Whatever was the epilogue life story five-year-old Edita Keranovi? - and for whatever will not be able to rightfully say that it is certainly correct - this unfortunately is not the first case to Bosnian children adopted abroad before we check to make sure surviving relatives. In the fall of 1994. The media attention has attracted a dispute Sarajlije before the Italian court that is trying to two of their children back home. Italian Court, ruled that it was in the interests of children that are not returning to Sarajevo, which then was located in the vicinity. These days it is topical and adoption of children from the house "Ljubica Ivezic" which are accompanied by children embassy evacuated to Italy.

"Makar is nothing legally can not, must arise out of panic, animirati all non-governmental organizations and carry out campaigns to unaccompanied children in the refugees return to the country. Moral and political foothold provision offers 22 chapter 2 Convention on the Rights of the Child UN, in which the state obliged locate parents and relatives of children-refugees. Mala Edita has Santa and amidzu who is trying to return four years already, "is part of the analysis of the Sarajevo sociologists Udzejne Habul.

Editin is, therefore, only one in a series of disputes that will be the same or similar fare epilozima Bosnian children if the state does not do something to protect the legal and children. According to the British branch, "Save the children" in the world without parental accompaniment at the moment is from one to three thousands of boys and girls with the space the former Yugoslavia. Edita Keranovi? only one of them.

SANDRA Checkout

THU, 27 FEB 1997 13:06:52 GMT



AIM, SARAJEVO, 27.02.97. Polovinom februara ove godine, po odluci viseg suda u Britaniji, Edita Keranovic, petogodisnja bosanska djevojcica, dodjeljena je nakon visegodisnjeg procesa na staranje engleskom bracnom paru Fowler. Druga strana u postupku bio je Editin djed Hasan Keranovic. Nakon sto je izgubio parnicu, najblizem djevojcicinom srodniku ostalo je tek da - ulozi zalbu.

Djed Hasan zbunio se, sapleo i uzdrhtalim glasom nemusto odgovorio na pitanje novinara AIM sta ce biti ako se zalba odbije. Sta ce biti ako Edita ostane dazivi kao posvojce Debore (49) i Alana (63), engleskog para, koji su bosansku djevojcicu, pod sumnjivim okolnostima, usvojili krajem 1992 godine:

"To ja ne mogu zamisliti. Ne mogu zamisliti da ona bude van nase porodice. Van nas Keranovica", odgovorio je Editin djed.

Hasan Keranovic izgubio je devetoro najblizih clanova porodice 1992. godine u selu Hrustovu u blizini Sanskog Mosta. U jednoj garazi lokalni Karadzicevi Srbi ubili su mu suprugu, petnaestogodisnjeg sina, tri snahe i troje unucadi.

"Jedna snaha mi je bila trudna treci,cetvrti mjesec. Znaci da je u stomaku imala zivog insana. Racunaj da sam izgubio ne troje, nego cetvoro unucadi", kazuje Keranovic.

Edita je na srecu ostala ziva, ali je njen otac Suad, nazalost, nestao zajedno sa cetrdeset i sest vojnika iz tog kraja. Njena majka je jedna od tri ubijene Hasanove snahe iz garaze.

Malu Editu, tada dvogodisnju djevojcicu, bosanski Srbi prebacili su u prijedorsku, zatim banjalucku bolnicu (bila je ranjena s tri gelera u glavu), da bi nakon intervencije britanskog novinara Boba Grahama (pisao o Editi u listu "Today" i licno poznaje par Fowler), te "dobrotvorke" lady Miloske Nott (osnivac neke dobrotvorne organizacije za pomoc zrtvama rata BiH) evakuisali za Zagreb. Nedugo zatim Edita je bila na putu za London zbog " lijecenja". Odmah po dolasku dodijeljena je bracnom paru Fowler koji je pokazao interesovanje za nesretno dijete. Fowlerovima je ovo drugo posvojce, jer pored svoje dvoje oni su roditelji i jednom rumunjskom sirocetu.

Editin djed Hasan i stric Rufad Keranovic bili su zarobljenici logora Manjaca kad im je komsija iz sela krisom poslao kratku ceduljuci na kojoj je pisalo da je Edita ziva. Po oslobadjanju otisli su u Svajcarsku i od pocetka 1993. godine traze pravdu i povratak jednog od samo tri prezivjela Keranoviceva unuceta. No, sud u Velikoj Britaniji, donio je odluku prema kojoj se Edita dodjeljuje Fowlerovim.

"Doktor Kameron (sudski psiholog, op.a.) rekao je na sudjenju kako ce taj engleski par biti dobar psiholoski roditelj. Zar mogu oni, stranci, biti bolji staratelji Editi no sto joj to bio dedo ili njen amidza," pita se Rufad Keranovic.

Zakon, ocigledno, ne misli tako. Prema Rufadovim rijecima u obrazlozenju presude stoji da bi za Editu bio sok kad bi otisla iz kruga porodice Fowler. Kao razlog se navodi i to da djevojcica ne zna svoj maternji jezik, tako da se sada sporazumjeva samo na engleskom, te mnostvo drugih primjedbi. Presuda je, kako tvrdi Rufad, duga cak cetrdeset i osam kucanih stranica.

Proces je okoncan 14. februara ove godine, i od tog datuma pa u narednih dvadeset i osam dana, Keranovici, odnosno njihovi engleski odvjetnici, trebaju uloziti zalbu, sto ce i uciniti.

"Strasno nas je zaboljelo to sto su nasu Editu vodili i crkvu. Ta zena (Debora), cak, je javno rekla na sudu da je svjesno i namjerno krstila nase dijete", govori djevojcicin stric Rufad.

I djed Hasan kaze kako ga boli to sto su oni prema njegovom unucetu ponasaju kao da ne znaju da je ona Bosnjakinja i muslimanka.

"Zasto su to uradili? Zasto su je krstili kad su vec znali da ne pripada nihovoj kulturi i njihovim obicajima", tuzno se pita Hasan.

On, inace, danas zivi sam u malom svajcarskom gradu. Za peti rodjendan Edita bi mu trebala doci u posjetu. Prema odluci suda, cetiri puta godisnje, Fowlerovi su duzni da je odvedu svojim pravim, krvnim srodnicima. Tako ce Edita u posjet Keranovicima doci krajem marta ili pocetkom aprila.

"Eto, sta jos da ti kazem. Bice valjda pravde i za nas Keranovice. I nek svi znaju da je Edita, nase i samo nase dijete", porucuje djed Hasan.

Drzava Bosna i Hercegovina, tacnije njeni predstavnici u londonskom konzulatu, nisu ucini bas mnogo da zastite interese bh. drzavljana u ovom sporu. Prema saznanjima AIM-a predstavnik Ambasade BiH u glavnom gradu Engleske bio je u sudnici samo posljednja dva dana saslusanja. Medjutim, Bosna i Hercegovina kao drzava nije se u ovom procesu sluzbeno pojavila. Interesi Hasana Keranovica zastupani su kao intersi privatnog lica. Da je postupak vodjen kao slucaj "drzave protiv drzave" cijela procedura, tvrde upuceniji, bila bi podignuta na visu razinu i imala bi sasvim druge implikacije. I vise nego vjerovatno, drugi ishod.

Interesantno je da su se Keranovici obratili i Djecijoj ambasadi u Sarajevu, koju mole da se u njihovo ime obrati BH drzavi, odnosno ljudima "koji su poslali dijete na lijecenje", kako bi u zalbenom postupku dobili djevojcicu natrag. Radi se o tadasnjim sluzbenicima bh. ambasade u Zagrebu Ismetu Grbi (danas potparol vladajuce SDA), Semsi Tankovicu (takoder visoki duznosnik SDA u Hrvatskoj), te izvjesnom lijecniku Muhidinu Alicehajicu koji je bio "imenovani staratelj djeteta od strane bosanske ambasade". Nas pokusaj da nesto vise o svemu saznamo od SDA potparola Ismeta Grbe otao je nazalost samo pokusaj. Gospodin Grbo odbio je, naime, komentirati "slucaj Keranovic".

S druge strane, ambasador Velike Britanije u BiH, Charles Crawford, tvrdi kako se u ovdasnjoj javnosti "ne navodi cinjenica da porodica Fowler nije dobila pravo da usvoji djevojcicu, te da se Edita nalazi pod iskljucivom zastitom suda."

- Zanemaruje se i cinjenica da je sud zahtijevao da djevojcica uci bosanski jezik, da joj se priblizava bosnjacka kultura, kao i da se svaka tri mjeseca izvjestaj o ovim odredbama podnosi sudu, te njenom djedu i rodjacima, veli nam ambasador Crawford.

On objasnjava kako i sa ima dvoje djece i da mu je tesko zamisliti "sta bi bilo kad bi se nesto slicno desavalo njegovom mladjem sinu koji je Editino godiste".

"Razumijem argumente da bi trebalo da se Edita Keranovic vrati u Bosnu. Koliko sam razumio, njen djed zivi u Svicarskoj, i kani tamo ostati", primjecuje Crawford, te ponavlja da se odluka britanskog suda zasniva iskljucivo na zelji da se udovolji interesima male Edite:

- Pokusavam zamisliti kako bi se dijete osjecalo kad bi bilo odvojeno od jedine porodice koju zna, kad bi pocela zivjeti s ljudima koje nikada nije srela, kad bi dosla u sasvim drugu zemlju gdje ljudi oko nje govore potpuno nepoznatim jezikom. Ti bi bio uzasan stres za dijete, kazuje britanski ambasador Crawford.

Kakav god bio epilog zivotne price petogodisnje Edite Keranovic - a za bilo koji nece se moci s pravom reci da je zasigurno ispravan - ovo nazalost nije prvi slucaj da se bosanska djeca usvajaju u inostranstvu prije no sto se provjeri ima li prezivjelih srodnika. U jesen 1994. godine medijsku paznju privukao je spor jednog Sarajlije pred talijanskim sudom koji je pokusavao da dvoje svoje djece vrati kuci. Talijanski sud, presudio je da je u intresu djece da se ne vracaju u Sarajevo koje se tada nalazilo u okruzenju. Ovih dana aktuelno je i usvajanje djece iz doma "Ljubica Ivezic" koja su u pratnji Djecije ambasade evakuirana u Italiju.

" Makar se pravno nista ne moze, mora se dici uzbuna, animirati sve nevladine organizacije i provesti kampanja da se djeca bez pratnje u izbjeglistvu vrate u zemlju. Moralno i politicko uporiste pruza odredba 22 stav 2 Konvencije o pravima djeteta UN, u kojoj se drzava obavezuje u pronalazenju roditelja i srodnika djece-izbjeglica. Mala Edita ima djeda i amidzu koji je pokusavaju vratiti vec cetiri godine", dio je analize sarajevskog sociologa Udzejne Habul.

Editin je, dakle, tek jedan u nizu sporova koji ce se sa istim ili slicnim epilozima desavati bosanskoj djeci ukoliko drzava ne ucini nesto u pravnoj zastiti te djece. Prema saznanjima britanskog ogranka "Save the children" u svijetu se bez roditeljske pratnje trenutno nalazi od jedne do tri hiljade djecaka i djevojcica sa prostora bivse Jugoslavije. Edita Keranovic tek jedna je od njih.


1997 Feb 27