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Bosnia: Parents of children disappeared in Italy began with protests at the Embassy



12.04.2004. u 21:26

Children's Embassy and the parents of children disappeared in Italy began with protests

Before building the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Monday, in the organization of Children's Embassy Me?aši, peaceful protests began titled "Where are our children", which related to 46-Ero children evacuated 1992. Sarajevo from the war in Italy.
Embassy staff and parents missing children gather in front of the BiH Presidency building until authorities instructions protest note italijanskoj government to address the above-mentioned Shipping children.

"Today we begin with the disturbing state of our troubled but 12 years. The question is where children are and who they were sold to the Italian and to be members of the Presidency every day get a toy to play instead of our children ", said the journalists Dusko Tomic, the first man Children's Embassy.

So the members of the Presidency today uru?en pokisli kangaroo, and tomorrow will get plišanog mouse. In addition, they were presented with the question: "Where are the children?" And to the green, blue and red background, as well as the Convention on the protection of children's rights.

"Every day we will leave a single flower at the Square of children of Sarajevo. We hope that they will at least once outflank Square children and pass through ružu for all missing children. We do not need only the children in Italy, we require a 1.600 and missing children in Srebrenica. I'm afraid that the authorities šute because they are working on making children disappear, "said Tomic.

States, he said Tomic, nothing done to find out at least one information on the whereabouts of children in Italy.

Although the work of children from Sarajevo house for abandoned children "Ljubica Ivezi?", no other child is not deprived of parental care, while, according to Tomic, Italian courts treated children as siro?i?e and time spent, and ended the procedure for their adoption. Meanwhile, the Italian government is ready to return all the children who are suffering psychosomatic.

"We are the Italian offering big money to sign the paper that children remain. Someone has obviously signed and received money. We will not give up and you will address all our children, even though it is still only 15 of them children. Only when we find them, we can find out what was with them actually happened, "said Tomic.

Dje?ja ambasada i roditelji djece nestale u Italiji zapo?eli s protestima

Pred zgradom Predsjedništva Bosne i Hercegovine u ponedjeljak su, u organizaciji Dje?je ambasade Me?aši, zapo?eli mirni protesti pod nazivom «Gdje su naša djeca», a koji se odnose na 46-ero djece evakuirane 1992. iz ratnog Sarajeva u Italiju.
Djelatnici ambasade i roditelji nestale djece okupljat ?e se pred zgradom Predsjedništva BiH sve dok državna tijela ne upute protestnu notu italijanskoj vladi da dostave adrese spomenute djece.

«Danas po?injemo s uznemiravanjem države koja nas uznemiruje ve? 12 godina. Pitanje je gdje su djeca i ko ih je prodao Italijanima i za to ?e ?lanovi Predsjedništva svaki dan dobiti po jednu igra?ku da se igraju umjesto naše djece», izjavio je novinarima Duško Tomi?, prvi ?ovjek Dje?je ambasade.

Tako je ?lanovima Predsjedništva danas uru?en pokisli klokan, a sutra ?e dobiti plišanog miša. Osim toga, predana im je poruka s pitanjem: «Gdje su djeca?» i to na zelenoj, plavoj i crvenoj podlozi, kao i Konvencija o zaštiti dje?jih prava.

«Svaki dan ?emo ostavljati po jedan cvijet na Trgu djece Sarajeva. Nadamo se da ?e i oni barem jednom obi?i Trg djece i položiti po ružu za svu nestalu djecu. Mi ne tražimo samo djecu u Italiji, mi tražimo i 1.600 nestale djece u Srebrenici. Bojim se da tijela vlasti šute zato što su radili na tome da djeca nestanu», rekao je Tomi?.

Država, kako je kazao Tomi?, nije ništa uradila da sazna barem jednu informaciju o boravištu djece u Italiji.

Iako se radi o djeci iz sarajevskog Doma za nezbrinutu djecu «Ljubica Ivezi?», nijedno dijete nije ostalo uskra?eno za roditeljsko brigu, dok je, kako tvrdi Tomi?, italijanski sud djecu tretirao kao siro?i?e i time proveo i okon?ao proceduru za njihovo usvajanje. Istovremeno, italijanska vlada je spremna vratiti svu djecu koja su psihosomatski oboljela.

«Italijani su mi nudili veliki novac da potpišem papir da djeca ostanu. Neko je o?igledno potpisao i dobio novac. Ne?emo odustati i tražit ?emo adrese sve naše djece iako je još svega njih 15 maloljetno. Tek kada ih na?emo, mo?i ?emo saznati što se s njima zapravo doga?alo», dodao je Tomi?.

2004 Apr 12