exposing the dark side of adoption
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Given the situation created by the suspension of the ECAI ADECOP by the authorities of the Russian Federation that has left nearly 350 families with their procedures for adoption paralyzed, with the note issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, before the letter from the ECAI ADECOP to affected families and to the letter from the chairman of the ECAI CHILDHOOD i FUTUR ADECOP the president of the Association of adoptive family in Russia, ASFARU, believes it appropriate to bring their partners and the view generally publishes the following considerations:


As we all know, a few months ago, Russia suspended the accreditation of the agency ADECOP for international adoption records process in that country.

As in most cases, will not be possible to know exactly the reasons that led to the desacreditación of ADECOP. While some say it has been due to mismanagement in this particular ECAI, others say it is a serious warning from the Russian authorities in our country in general about the lack of realization of monitoring reports and, in some cases, consular registrations. It was also said to form part of attempts by certain political sectors Russians (including the DPP's status) to end by banning international adoption (must be borne in mind that the desacreditación of ADECOP occurs along with two other Ecais of other countries and in Spain which affects virtually handles more files).

While it is true that families are affected to the extent that the ECAI has been suspended and therefore could be a private relationship established "freely" between families and a "non-profit association", so is that government can not be alien to this situation since they are the ones that, in this or that region, credited to the ECAI's estimated that timely and therefore "forced" to the families to have to deal with your adoption through a particular ECAI or at least limit, in some cases much longer than desirable, this free choice.


Who is responsible for the failure of the families of the consular registration and monitoring reports?

Obviously that families who have already completed their adoptive process, but what governments have adopted mechanisms to ensure that families meet their commitment to avoid prejudicing the following? Are our authorities concerned have to know the name of the families that are in breach of its commitments?, What steps have been taken in this regard?, What steps to take to suggest that these incidents do not continue happening in the future and lead to drastic decisions again by the Russian authorities?

Of course, for processing their adoption by ECAI government argues that it is the responsibility of the ECAI because to them the tasks entrusted to them. But this is the same, who controls the ECAI's?

The same assumptions used for those families who have decided to adopt for free. There is no a priori or mechanism to ensure compliance with the obligations freely accepted by the families or to post in the event of failure on the part of them.

It is known, and he brandished ECAIs's in his briefing notes, that some autonomous communities fail desirable long periods throughout the administrative process that should "suffer" families and among them, those involving the handling of reports of follow-up.

Because of the importance of these extremes is that they have always been the arguments used by the Russian authorities (we do not know if they are real) both to establish moratoriums at the time of the adoption of free and those that underlie the continuing rumors and threats its permanent ban for the current desacreditación of ADECOP.

A SOLUTION TO THE MINISTRY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS (and agreement of the Commission Interautonómica of Directors as General for Children and Family January 31)

We find it paradoxical to say the least the solution raised. Firstly that for these solutions not to any lack of government intervention as has always been on the faculty of the families to decide for one reason or another.

On the other side by leaving absolutely free (once again) of desaguisados that occur with certain breaches of ECAI's (and surely more will come).

And we think is already within the largest possible inconsistency is present as an option for continued processing of dossiers for free, and this, said by administrations that have been repeatedly making it difficult to refuse and, in some cases, the delivery of files to the families if they thought process for free.

In any case, nothing new, already knew everything, we carried more than three months waiting for the administration to decide, and when at last he does not tell us more than what we already knew that the families could do.

When less is disappointing.

Our association has been in contact with the Directorate General for Children of the MLSA and we still do not have any answers for his party. That is, deciding to remain on the sidelines of the interests of families.


As we have said before the families are free clipped his choice to handle a record of adoption to the ECAI's that his region has accredited.

What are these credentials?

It seems not serve much good. There is no effective control of the government to Ecai'sy happens when a topic like this there is no way to assume that much is the situation created by this lack of control. ASFARU has repeatedly asked that, in part to control the ECAI's from the standpoint of its administrative management is carried out a rigorous monitoring of deadlines for completion of files and setting quotas for the admission of new cases subject to the completion of processes within a reasonable time since the signing of the contract (one year).



Obviously the files already recorded in any region (both those who have already allocated and are awaiting trial and those who are awaiting assignment) are the solution to keep your file as free (in the case to find in the region any person who performs the functions necessary accompaniment). The second option is to change ECAI if there is any different from other ECAI ADECOP that this accredited by Russia in the region that is the case (surely this new ECAI should also be credited to the autonomous community of parents).


Can be found in the central offices of ADECOP in Moscow, some regional representation in Russia or one of the delegations of this ECAI in Spain and it is possible that in some cases are already translated into Russian.

In this case the most desirable solution would reclaim the record, claiming the settlement of the contract with ADECOP, and start again for any of the tracks legally established.


At any given time ECAIs's trying to bring positions on the matter with the Spanish central authorities and even some of the autonomic most affected.

What has been your proposal? Take charge of the files of ADECOP at its current stage of processing, settling with ADECOP and continue with the same condition that the government take care of the excess cost that these actions would be (withdrawn from the file of the region where they are located, updating the same as many of them contain invalid documentation, translation of documents, etc.) and which totaled about 2,200 euros per file.

It also sought to be given to the settlement agreement Inter. Autonomy, which prevents a ECAI credited to an autonomous community in another longer acting in many communities there is no ability on the part of other accredited ECAI's assuming the volume of new files or even is no alternative.

At one stage it seemed that some communities were going to support this solution but the agreement of Jan. 31 makes clear that this is not the path taken by our government and, once again, the whole desaguisado going to fall on the economies of families .


Since our partnership we believe sincerely that there are responsibilities that frame each to a certain extent.

Thus, in the case ADECOP, as in other cases, they pay a fair and sinners, while some regional governments are working reasonably well, others have been clearly overwhelmed by the boom that has experienced in recent years, international adoption. The same reasoning is valid for certain general directions of our central government since there is no more to do with the lack of resources of our consular offices, until recently the processing of registration of our children in the Central Registry Office or the announced issuance of entry visa for our children as "family reunification".

It has been obvious and the loss that our authorities have done in international adoption. Failing that begins with delegate its functions in private (creating reports for certificates of appropriateness, ECAI's authorization for the processing, also by private entities carrying out the monitoring reports, etc.).. And we say neglect by the lack of control. And this lack of control comes up to not regulate the necessary measures to compel families to make the inscriptions and consular reports.

We do not believe the nonsensical proposal ECAIs's. In certain communities there is not enough nor ECAI's accredited with the existing guarantees a minimum choice by families.

The families already have to bear an extra in renewal of documents. Could then take over the administration of a part of this pie that we have created.

And worst of all, without claiming to give a sentimental tone to that letter, we believe that the most important are no longer families but our children who might wonder where that has been made of these parents that one day I went to visit the orphanage and who still do not see the moment when the draw there.

In short, ASFARU still betting on the appropriate measures to take concerning the solution of the problem by suspending the accreditation of ADECOP and to prevent the recurrence of similar situations (as it is not the first time that we are in similar cases as we move into Brazil and in Russia itself with Bowman) and continue to demand our government to take into consideration the views of families in all these decisions.



Badalona, February 11, 2006

2006 Feb 11