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Joint visit to Ethiopia

July 16, 2008 -  During the week of July 7, 2008, *Joint Council led a delegation of child welfare organizations to Addis Ababa and presented its Standards of Practice for Adoption Service Providers with Respect to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (SOP). Audiences included the Ethiopian Ministries of Justice, Foreign Affairs, Women’s Affairs, and the First Instance Court.Joint Council has been invited to partner with various ministries and departments in an ongoing effort to ensure that children’s services continue in Ethiopia. This partnership will also strengthen the ability of the government and NGO community to provide superior child protections. 
During nine meetings with the Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Women’s Affairs, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and First Instance Court, common concerns related to “legalized child trafficking”, cultural insensitivity, regulatory capacity and poor practice were expressed. Joint Council has agreed to continue to dialogue with various governmental offices and service providers in an ongoing effort to address each specific issue and general areas of concern.
NGO partnering and investment in the social infrastructure of Ethiopia is of high value to society. Most officials also express a very strong focus on the broad range of child welfare services and community development--not on intercountry adoption as a standalone service--provided by child welfare NGOs. The current plan now calls for an immediate review of the quality and range of programs and services of all licensed service providers.
An additional response to issues of concern will be the strengthening of the role of child care centers and orphanages. Recognizing the critically important function that orphanages and child care centers execute, especially the intake procedures for orphaned or relinquished children, the government will focus much of its effort on regulating these institutions. 
2008 Jul 16