exposing the dark side of adoption
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Fundasaun Hadomi Timor Oan:

Fundasaun Hadomi Timor Oan:
Hey guys! so this is the story.. im kim (http://get-ur-freakk-on.bebo.com)n my mum built this orphanage in east timor in 1999 when there was a referendum.. well anyway there are 30 kids in the orphanage and some of them got really sick from scollosis, so my mum brought them to malaysia where its safer and cleaner there for an operation. We needed a couple of 10 thousand dollars for it but we held a charity 4 them and Sabrina Houssami (Miss world Australia) was there to help us. And we raised 62 thousand just enough 4 2 of the operations.
Anyway the other 2 band members is marina (http://sO-FrEsH-So-cLeAnN.bebo.com) who is my good mate who made this band for us =) and the other band member is jen my sister (http://baybeehgurl10.bebo.com)
If ur wandering, the band is just to show that the kids know they have support! please look around and dont leave hater comments.. =) oh yeah and please look at the blogs and photoes! spread the word too =) god bless!
