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Prosecutor takes to money in international adoptions


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Scandal caused by the following two years, the statement that Emma Nicholson inculpate tolerance illegal international adoptions by Romanian authorities reached again in actuality: the Romanian Office for Adoptions before the Prosecutor General in connection with 11 such cases, scrolling parallel investigations in 29 other cases of illegal adoptions. Contact telephone representatives Public Ministry confirmed the existence of these files to Department prosecuting and criminology, and the Directorate of National Anticoruptie announces that it will check ...

In February 2004, immediately after the European rapporteur Emma Nicholson claims that, in Romania, has developed an international market of illegal adoptions, the National Prosecutor Anticoruptie (current NAD) announces the start checking all the 150 cases, prosecutors investigated by inspectors from the Ministry public on how the law was respected in the past 10 years. Specifically, prosecutors have reviewed the cases of non-law in cases of international adoptions by the magistrates and people who had responsibilities in carrying out acts of those folders.

But the results never appeared. Contacted by telephone, the spokesperson of the National Directorate Anticoruptie, Livia Saplacan we said yesterday that still has not found any such file, but the search will continue.

From the other side, Simona Frolu the Press Office of the Prosecutor General declared to us as an institution that is was asked at the beginning of this year on several cases of illegal international adoptions, the files located in the Department working prosecution and forensics. "All I can say is that the files are in the works", has informed us Frolu.

Judicial sources have informed us as prosecutors is to establish the mechanism by which other than the 11 children adopted by families abroad have left Romania, in requesting the necessary documents to the court in which it decided to international adoptions.

40 children adopted "off" did not get to your destination

State Secretary Theodora Bertzi, head of the Romanian Adoptions Office said on Monday to Mediafax, the Prosecutor has brought about 11 cases of international adoptions, are executed simultaneously checking in 29 other cases of international adoption, of which 17 were canceled.

Under Secretary of State, of the 40 cases performed between 1991 - 2002, only four children have come to families abroad. "I made a circular to all districts and have found that 40 children adopted by families abroad have never reached there. I asked the support of the Passports Department to see how many children out of the country. Of the 40, 11 had passed the border as adoptatoare families, "said Bertzi, stating that children, now aged between 8 and 20 years, six went to Italy, one in Greece and two in the United States and Spain.

"We do not know who he left in place. Children may be kidnapped that parents looking for. We do not know who they are," said Secretary of State claiming that although they were asked all authorities of the destination, which only confirmed adoption of two children has been Italy. Considering that his departure other than those adopted children was not possible without the support of institutions of state, Bertzi has shown interest in "mechanism that could leave them or if they were legal loopholes.

"There is a network, there is a collusion of several institutions of the state. These things must be explained, considered ORA head, considering that the number of children in this situation to be much higher. "Before 1996, adoptions are made directly from the family and Guardianship. We learn about these children only when the children will want to make the bulletin and will not be able to do not have IDs," explained Bertzi.

In 1996, there were "export" 3,500 children

On the other hand, the Bucharest authorities have made efforts to give out more than 1300 Romanian children adopted in the years 1997-2005 by the families of foreigners, as private organizations that have violated the conventions signed with the Romanian state and They sent a report to post-adoption services.

The situation was reported recently, and according to Emma Nicholson who, until the introduction of moratorium on halting adoptions in Romania to develop a market for illegal placement of children, individuals involved running at least 90 million dollars annually.

"All solutions of local placement for children in difficulty were avoided in favor of international adoptions. Government has investigated the industry and an estimated at least 90 million dollars a year," explains Nicholson.
According moratorium discussed in the March 1 meeting of the Chamber of Deputies in 1996, almost 3,500 Romanian children have been exported.

"In a situation to the Prosecutor General to show that 934 children were sent to Italy, 778 in the United States, 315 in Spain, 217 in France, 123 in Germany. Romanian children have arrived in Ecuador, Hong Kong, New Zealand, 37 in Hungary, 2 in Mexico, 2 in Saudi Arabia, 2 in the United Arab Emirates.

From this and from the position in which it was made after visits to several states where the high officials asked what happens to children of Romania, President of the reproach from the Public Prosecutors delaying indefinitely the address records on illegal adoptions, claimed that the signatories to the document.

"Exceptional cases"?

The petitioners had listed several cases of international adoptions that the Government allow the procedure deeming them "exceptional cases".
"Of the lists approved by Adrian Nastase Cabinet result as some foreigners have adopted more children were not different between her brothers.

So, is the pretext that they could not be separated. Also, most foreigners do not form in their family, which rule out the claim as little li would have provided peace of home, even a couple of adapter consists of two women, such as ladies and Nina Maria Scheakbor Maria Coporale which, in the 6714/2002 adopted on a minor Cristina Boer, claimed signers.

According to same sources, two different children were adopted on the same day: Mark Joseph and Mary Joanne Schülbe have adopted in the 6711/2002, the minor Rodica Rosu, and in 6712/2002 on the minor Mihai Zaharia. Other cases were mentioned where those of foreign citizens who are not spouses, but were able to adopt children in our country while on the waiting list were more than 3,000 Romanian citizens.

It's Hans Rosacher Donald and Kimberly Erickson, who adopted her Anca Ilie, in the 6710/2002 and Corbese pair Giuseppe Schetino Feresal and they have adopted a child Michael Reiceanu in the 6718/2002.

"Love Basket", the Government only able to make adoptions until 2001

Another famous case, whose solution was not yet known to the public, is the man's business Elijah Coroama, chief Foundation 'Love Basket ", which until 2001 was only able to make the Government international adoptions.

Foundation 'Love Basket "in Bistrita was approved by GD 245/1997 to carry out activities in the field of child rights in adoption, and activities information, support and consultancy to those interested in adopting a child, to make the necessary arrangements in order to constitute address records and adoption by the authorities competent to evaluate and to monitor and those interested to adopt, in cooperation with the competent authorities, both before and after adoption approval.

Coroama was investigated in a criminal file with the objective of verifying the facts on evidence of corruption committed during incuviintarii adopted by U.S. families of Romanian children, through a network to which the responsible officials and the local public administration .


Parchetul ia la bani marunti adoptiile internationale

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Scandalul provocat, in urma cu doi ani, de declaratia Emmei Nicholson care incrimina toleranta adoptiilor ilegale internationale de catre autoritatile romane a ajuns din nou in actualitate: Oficiului Roman pentru Adoptii a sesizat Parchetul General in legatura cu 11 astfel de cazuri, deruland in paralel investigatii in alte 29 de dosare privind adoptiile ilegale. Contactati telefonic reprezentantii Ministerului Public confirma existenta acestor dosare la Sectia de Urmarire Penala si Criminalistica, iar cei ai Directiei Nationale Anticoruptie anunta ca vor verifica...

In luna februarie 2004, imediat dupa ce raportorul european Emma Nicholson sustinea ca, in Romania, s-a dezvoltat o piata a adoptiilor internationale ilegale, Parchetul National Anticoruptie (actuala DNA) anunta demararea verificarilor in toate cele 150 de dosare, instrumentate de procurorii inspectori ai Ministerului Public, privind modul in care a fost respectata legislatia in ultimii 10 ani. Concret, procurorii au verificat situatiile de nerespectare a legii in cazuri de adoptii internationale de catre magistrati si persoane care au avut atributii in efectuarea actelor din aceste dosare.

Numai ca, rezultatele n-au aparut. Contactat telefonic, purtatorul de cuvant al Directiei Nationale Anticoruptie, Livia Saplacan, ne-a declarat ieri ca nu a gasit inca nici un astfel de dosar, dar va continua cautarile.

De partea cealalta, Simona Frolu din cadrul Biroului de Presa al Parchetului General ne-a declarat ca institutia pe care o reprezinta a fost sesizata la inceputul acestui an cu privire la mai multe cazuri de adoptii ilegale internationale, dosarele aflandu-se in lucru la Sectia de Urmarire Penala si Criminalistica. "Tot ce va pot spune este ca dosarele sunt in lucru", ne-a informat Frolu.

Surse judiciare ne-au informat ca procurorii urmeaza sa stabileasca mecanismul prin care alti minori decat cei 11 infiati de catre familii din strainatate au parasit Romania, solicitand in acest sens toate documentele de la instante in baza carora s-au decis adoptiile internationale.

40 de copii adoptati "afara" n-au ajuns la destinatie

Secretarul de stat Theodora Bertzi, sef al Oficiului Roman pentru Adoptii a declarat, luni, pentru Mediafax, ca a sesizat Parchetul in legatura cu 11 dosare de adoptii internationale, efectuandu-se simultan verificari in alte 29 de cazuri de infiere internationala, dintre care 17 au fost anulate.

Potrivit secretarului de stat, dintre cele 40 de cazuri derulate in perioada 1991 - 2002, doar patru copii au ajuns la familiile din strainatate. "Am facut o circulara catre toate judetele si am aflat ca 40 de copii adoptati de familii din strainatate nu au ajuns niciodata acolo. Am cerut sprijin si celor de la Directia Pasapoarte pentru a vedea cati copii au iesit din tara. Din cei 40, 11 figurau ca trecusera granita sub numele familiilor adoptatoare", a declarat Bertzi, precizand ca minorii, acum cu varste cuprinse intre 8 si 20 de ani, sase au plecat in Italia, unul in Grecia si cate doi in Statele Unite si Spania.

"Nu stim cine a plecat in locul lor. Pot fi copii rapiti pe care parintii ii cauta. Nu stim cine sunt", a mai spus secretarul de stat sustinand ca, desi au fost sesizate toate autoritatile din statele de destinatie, singura care a confirmat adoptarea a doi copii romani a fost Italia. Considerand ca plecarea altor minori decat cei adoptati nu a fost posibila decat cu sprijinul unor institutii ale statului, Bertzi s-a aratat interesata de "mecanismul prin care ar fi putut ei pleca" sau daca au fost lacune legislative.

"Exista o retea, exista o complicitate din mai multe institutii ale statului. Lucrurile acestea trebuie explicate", a apreciat seful ORA, considerand ca numarul copiilor aflati in aceasta situatie sa fie mult mai mare. "Inainte de 1996, adoptiile se faceau direct din familie si prin Autoritatea Tutelara. Vom afla despre acesti copii numai in momentul in care copiii vor dori sa-si faca buletin si nu vor putea pentru ca nu mai au acte de identitate", a explicat Bertzi.

In 1996, au fost "exportati" 3.500 de minori

Pe de alta parte, autoritatile de la Bucuresti au facut demersuri pentru a da de urma a peste 1.300 de copii romani adoptati in anii 1997-2005 de catre familii de straini, intrucat organizatiile private din tarile respective au incalcat conventiile semnate cu statul roman si nu au trimis nici un raport post-adoptie.

Situatia a fost semnalata, recent, si de Emma Nicholson potrivit careia, pana la introducerea moratoriului privind stoparea adoptiilor, in Romania se dezvoltase o piata de plasare ilegala a copiilor, persoanele implicate ruland cel putin 90 de milioane de dolari anual.

"Toate solutiile de plasare locala pentru copiii aflati in dificultate au fost evitate, in favoarea adoptiilor internationale. Guvernul Romaniei a investigat aceasta industrie si a estimat-o la cel putin 90 de milioane de dolari pe an", explica Nicholson.
Potrivit moratoriului, discutat in sedinta din 1 martie de la Camera Deputatilor "in 1996, aproape 3.500 de copii romani au fost exportati".

"Intr-o situatie existenta la Parchetul General se arata ca 934 de minori au fost trimisi in Italia, 778 in Statele Unite, 315 in Spania, 217 in Franta, 123 in Germania. Copiii romani au ajuns si in Ecuador, Hong-Kong, Noua Zeelanda, 37 in Ungaria, 2 in Mexic, 2 in Arabia Saudita, 2 in Emiratele Arabe Unite.

Fata de aceasta situatie si fata de pozitia in care a fost pus, dupa vizitele efectuate in mai multe state, unde a fost intrebat de inalti demnitari ce se intampla cu copiii Romaniei, presedintele tarii le-a reprosat procurorilor din Ministerul Public tergiversarea la infinit a solutionarii unor dosare privind adoptiile ilegale", sustineau atunci semnatarii documentului.

"Cazuri exceptionale"?!

Petitionarii au enumerat cateva cazuri de adoptii internationale pentru care Guvernul a incuviintat procedura considerandu-le "cazuri exceptionale".
"Din listele aprobate de Cabinetul Adrian Nastase rezulta ca unii dintre straini au adoptat mai multi copii diferiti care nu erau frati intre ei.

Asadar, cade pretextul ca acestia nu puteau fi separati. Totodata, cei mai multi straini nu formeaza la randul lor o familie, ceea ce infirma pretentia ca micutilor li s-ar fi oferit pacea unui camin, ba chiar un cuplu de adaptatori este format din doua femei, cum este cazul doamnelor Nina Maria Scheakbor si Maria Coporale care, in dosarul 6714/2002 au adoptat-o pe minora Cristina Boeram", sustineau semnatarii.

Potrivit acelorasi surse, doi copii diferiti au fost adoptati in aceeasi zi: Mark Joseph Schülbe si Mary Joanne au infiat, in dosarul 6711/2002, pe minora Rodica Rosu, iar in dosarul 6712/2002 pe minorul Mihai Zaharia. Alte cazuri amintite atunci au fost cele ale unor cetateni straini, care nu sunt soti, dar care au reusit sa adopte copii din tara noastra desi pe lista de asteptare se aflau peste 3.000 de cetateni romani.

Este vorba despre Hans Donald Rosacher si Kimberly Erickson, care au adoptat-o pe Anca Ilie, in dosarul 6710/2002 si perechea Corbese Giuseppe si Schetino Feresal care l-au infiat pe minorul Mihail Reiceanu in dosarul 6718/2002.

"Love Basket", singura abilitata de Guvern sa faca adoptii pana in 2001

Un alt caz celebru, a carei solutie n-a fost inca adusa la cunostinta opiniei publice, este cel al omului de afaceri Ilie Coroama, seful Fundatiei "Love Basket", care, pana in 2001 era singura abilitata de Guvern sa faca adoptii internationale.

Fundatia "Love Basket" din Bistrita a fost autorizata prin HG 245/1997 sa desfasoare activitati in domeniul protectiei drepturilor copilului prin adoptie, respectiv desfasurarea de activitati de informare, sprijin si consultanta celor interesati sa adopte un copil, sa efectueze demersurile necesare in vederea constituirii si solutionarii dosarelor de adoptie pe langa autoritatile competente, sa evalueze si sa-i supravegheze pe cei interesati sa adopte, in colaborare cu autoritatile competente, atat inainte, cat si dupa incuviintarea adoptiei.

Coroama a fost cercetat intr-un dosar penal avand ca obiect verificarea unor indicii privind fapte de coruptie savarsite cu ocazia incuviintarii adoptarii de catre familii din SUA a unor minori romani, prin intermediul unei retele din care faceau parte functionari publici si responsabili din administratia publica locala.

2006 Aug 16