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HM King Norodom Sihamoni granted an audience to the Zannier Holy Baby Foundation


 On Tuesday October 4, 2005, HM King Norodom Sihamoni granted an audience to the Zannier Holy Baby Foundation. Dr Keo San, General Manager of the NGO introduced Dr Pascak Hortoulle, Chairman and founder of the Cambodian branch, and Mrs Zannier, the wife of CEO Zannier who is the Chairman of the Foundation, to the King.

The Holy Baby Foundation runs three orphanages in Cambodia, one of which, Bakou in Kandal Stung, is dedicated to children of HIV/AID affected mothers.

HM King Norodom Sihamoni warmly thanked His guests for their dedication to the cause of Cambodian orphans and expressed His high appreciation and deep admiration of their humanitarian activities.

2005 Oct 4