Countering new forms of Roma children trafficking: Participatory approach
03.10.2013 | Print
The project Countering new forms of Roma children trafficking: Participatory approach (CONFRONT) aims to strengthen counter-trafficking efforts in Europe by addressing two deficiencies in the current counter-trafficking response: lack of in-depth knowledge of new forms of trafficking affecting children and lack of active involvement of the Roma community – a group at high risk of child trafficking. It will focus on three new forms of trafficking affecting children in Roma communities: child begging, labour exploitation for pick-pocketing and sexual exploitation of boys. Activities will take place in four EU Member States that are typical countries of origin for victims of trafficking (Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia); and three Member States that are traditionally destination points for Roma victims (Austria, Italy, Greece).
The project’s objectives are:
- To strengthen counter-trafficking efforts targeting Roma children by providing a better understanding of new forms of trafficking through developing and testing new methods of participatory research and carrying out evidence-based analysis;
- To empower Roma communities to act as equal partners in counter-trafficking policies and measures;
- To enhance child victim support in countries of origin and destination by developing pilot initiatives for child victims of trafficking support and sensitising social service providers and child protection authorities to new forms of trafficking.
The project will last until the end of July 2015. Its activities will include:
- Design of methodological tools and collection of data on three forms of trafficking affecting the Roma minority in the countries of origin and destination: child begging, labour exploitation for pick-pocketing and sexual exploitation of boys. In the countries of origin, data collection will be conducted using participatory research methods with the active involvement of Roma researchers.
- Piloting two initiatives to enhance assistance to and reintegration of Roma child victims of trafficking in one country of origin (Bulgaria) and one country of destination (Austria).
- Providing evidence-based analysis on new forms of trafficking affecting Roma children in seven countries.
The project’s expected results include:
- Increased knowledge and awareness of three new forms of trafficking of Roma children;
- Increased capacity of vulnerable Roma communities to act as equal partners in counter-trafficking efforts;
- Enhanced service provision to Roma children victims of trafficking in 4 countries of origin (Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary, Slovakia) and in 3 countries of destination (Austria, Italy, Greece) based on exchange of good practices and analysis of pilot initiatives.
The project will be carried out by a consortium of 7 partners with expertise in providing evidence-based policy analysis. The consortium consists of:
- Center for the Study of Democracy/CBS (Bulgaria) – project leader
- Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Human Rights/BIM (Austria)
- CENSIS Foundation (Italy)
- Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy/ELIAMEP (Greece)
- Center for Policy Studies at Central European University/CPS (Hungary)
- People in Need/piN (Slovakia)
- Soros Foundation Romania (Romania).
Contact persons at ELIAMEP:
Dr. Dia Anagnostou (
Anna Kandyla (
Co-funded by the European Commission, framework programme “Prevention of and Fight against Crime (ISEC), reference: HOME/2012/ISEC/AG/TH/B/4000003904.
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