Letter of Tom DiFilipo regarding Families for Orphans Act
Dear Colleagues,
Joint Council hopes you agree that the current system in which we work is broken. Joint Council has led a 2.5 year effort to change the system. That effort, the Families For Orphans Act (FFOA) is facing vocal and active opposition from the Department of State, USAID and other critics including PEAR and ETHICA. UNICEF has not publicly opposed the FFOA, however it is our understanding that they too are opposed to the legislation. Are you willing to stand by and allow two government departments and a handful of organizations stop legislation which is supported by hundreds of non-profits and thousands of citizens?
We need your immediate help to ensure that the bill continues to move forward.
If you support the Families For Orphans Act, please send a brief (2-3 paragraph) letter to the following Members of Congress today. It is imperative that you send this letter today as the legislation is being discussed by the Foreign Relations Committee. The letter should include a brief description of your organization, the number of families you have served and a statement indicating your support of the Families For Orphans Act and why. You can choose to write a more lengthy letter, but a brief letter will be sufficient.
Your letter should be addressed to:
The Honorable John F. Kerry
U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Fax and email your letter to Laura Winthrop and Paul Foldi at:
Laura Winthrop Fax: 202-224-0836
Paul Foldi Fax: 202-228-3612
Email: paul_foldi@foreign.senate.gov
Email: laura_winthrop@foreign.senate.gov
Email CC: Jetaine_hart@landrieu.senate.gov
Email: CC: Nathan_reese@inhofe.senate.gov
Please note that we are not asking you to send this to your constituents, families and/or clients. At this time, we need your help as a non-profit organization. Members of Congress need to hear that organizations involved in child welfare are in favor of the Families For Orphans Act. Please let Congress know that you are not satisfied with the status quo and that the Families For Orphans Act is the change you want!
We do recognize that some of our Members are not in favor of the FFOA and appreciate your important contributions to the dialogue surrounding the FFOA.