Case continued in DCF child death
The Willimantic Chronicle
ROCKVILLE - The Mansfield woman, and former Department of Children and Families employee, accused of killing a foster child in her care had her case continued yet again during her Friday appearance in Rockville Superior Court.
Suzanne Listro, 42, of 260 Stearns Road, is charged with first- degree manslaughter and risk of injury to a minor relating to the death of 7-month-oldMichael Brown Jr. - who was in Listro's care at the time.
Listro worked for the state Department of Children and Families when she applied to become a foster parent.
During her last court date in December, Listro entered a plea of not guilty for the charges.
Her next court appearance has been scheduled for March 6 in Rockville Superior Court.
2009 Jan 24