Abusive Mother Admits Pushing Adopted Girl Down Stairs
Abusive Mother Admits Pushing Adopted Girl Down Stairs; Michigan death may have gone unsolved if woman hadn't been implicated in mistreatment of another girl in Utah
The truth about the death of 4-year-old Danielle Tucker may have remained buried forever if her adoptive mother had not been caught abusing the dead girl's sister in Utah two years later. Becky Tucker, 34, has admitted to deliberately pushing Danielle down the stairs in a Coldwater, Mich., house in 1995, said Cache County Attorney Scott Wyatt. Danielle's death originally was ruled an accident. But the case was reopened after Chris and Becky Tucker were convicted of...
The truth about the death of 4-year-old Danielle Tucker may have remained buried forever if her adoptive mother had not been caught abusing the dead girl's sister in Utah two years later. Becky Tucker, 34, has admitted to deliberately pushing Danielle down the stairs in a Coldwater, Mich., house in 1995, said Cache County Attorney Scott Wyatt. Danielle's death originally was ruled an accident. But the case was reopened after Chris and Becky Tucker were convicted of...
1998 Apr 29