Father says sons were mistreated in foster care
Father says sons were mistreated in foster care
Updated: 05/20/2008 07:57 PM
By: Curtis Schick
TROY, N.Y. -- It was little over a week ago when Troy Police arrested Sharmon "Sherry" Evans for abusing her adopted son. Now, Brian Tenney said Evans neglected his two boys while she was their foster parent.
“They had continuous health problems. The older was always underweight while in her care. The younger had rashes on his arms, wrists and legs,” said Tenney.
Tenney said what he calls family problems between him and his boy's mother forced them into foster care. He said the boys were 3- and 6-months-old when they started living with Evans, along with as many as eight other kids and last stayed with her in December.
“Once they were removed from Sharmon Evans’ care, most of the health issues and emotional problems subsided,” said Tenney.
Tenney said he questioned Rensselaer County Social Services about Evans and the condition of his boys and if surprised visits happened, but said, instead, they questioned him.
The father of two boys who lived with Sharmon "Sherry" Evans says she abused his sons. As Curtis Schick explains, he is now looking for changes.
“I was questioned by social services. I would have one hour visits. My children would have the rashes, they'd ask what did you do to them. I said ‘what could I do with them I had one hour with them,’” said Tenney.
Tenney said he is considering filing a lawsuit, but said he is not looking for any money, he just wants change.
“He can't even get access to his children’s medical records. We think the medical records will show some signs of abuse,” said John Aretakis, Tenney's lawyer.
“These children need an advocate. That's what John's for. That is what I am for,” said Tenny.
Both said Rensselaer County Social Services Commissioner John Boudoin should step down. A call to him was not immediately returned, but told the Times Union that the agency is doing a complete investigation of Evans time as a foster parent.
As for his kids, Tenney said they are healthy and trying to get back to normal.