exposing the dark side of adoption
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N-Child: relinguisment by in tact families

RE: [nchild] Re:Adoption fees

It hurts to think that all our extensive preparation and financial commitment to adopt a child from a country we feel connected with has gone unappreciated or even taken advantage of. I met a German who found out his child had a family just after everything had been approved. It was heartwrenching as they'd become attached and weren't sure what to do. It sounds like some European gov'ts allow birthfamilies to relinquish to orphanges even though the Nepali law doesn't without all the faked papers so that is a detriment to US citizens who get raked through the coals at visa appointments over discrepancies.

Nepali law provides for intact families to give up children. The family must be destitute, completely unable to care for the child(ren). In addition, they cannot give up their oldest/only son or daughter. In these cases, the b-family must sign a document that also names the adoptive parents, which looks like what’s called a directed adoption to the US government. So, the US Consulate often puts American families through the ringer over these papers, as well.

2007 Mar 16