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Why Do The People In Texas Not Know What Is Going On With Child Protective Services?


Texas has the worst reputation of all of the states in the over medication of small children, while in state care.  A former Texas State Comptroller, Carole Keeton Strayhorn, went on C.B.S. news, New York, to raise public awareness.  Now I am here in Texas, looking for a sales job, so I can get my two month old baby grandson, Bryce, out of foster care.  My older two grandchildren were placed on multiple psychotropic drugs.  Texas C.P.S. refused to give them to me. Another C.P.S. victim, and myself are mobilizing other parents to bring these atrosities and others to public awareness.  Texas C.P.S., has also put these small children in their state care system through unnecessary elective procedures and surgeries, thereby creating business for medicaid providers.  One man had his three year old son, and three year old grandchild, both, with perfectly healthy baby front teeth, have Texas C.P.S. medical agents pull baby teeth out, and insert metal teeth!!!  His three year old son had unnecessary surgery on his hand!!  We need to unify and make this a political issue during the next election.  Also, C.P.S. is supposed to implement kinship care, and they do not.   Most people I have met  in Texas are totally uninformed as to the problems with Child Protective Services, and that their state is the worst.    

                                                                                                                 Call Deborah Connor   817-744-0735

by DeborahConnor on Monday, 25 April 2011