Federici v Pignotti et al: Case Dismissed and Documents Available
As some of you are already aware, Ronald Federici sued several people in November 2010 and in December 2010 the case was removed to the Virginia Federal Court System where all defendants filed motions to dismiss. Our motions were heard by the Honorable Judge Gerald Bruce Lee on March 4, 2011 and our motions were granted. In other words, the case is now dismissed. Several key documents for this case, including Federici's complaint, Pignotti and Mercer's motion to dismiss and his response to that are available via the Citizen Media Law Project Website:
Here are the direct links:
Federici Complaint
Memo in Support of Motion to Dismiss (Pignotti and Mercer):
Federici's Memo in Opposition of Defendants' Motion to Dismiss:
Pignotti and Mercer reply to Federici:
or if trouble with any of the above links, just go to:
(Just scroll down to "Relevant Documents" and PDFs are available for download. The dismissal documents should be available shortly and will be posted at that time).