Celebrity adoptions in the movies
While there are those in an uproar and hoopla over the latest Orphan movie coming out July 24th... in funnier news, Bruno, (Sacha Baron Cohen's newest character) is not afraid to talk about his own adoption story, and the young African boy he chose to name OJ. [In a talk-show, he explains the child was swapped for an ipod.]
The official trailer on youtube can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fAGpmNb2xfQ
The part about his "new arrival" (in an airport) begins at 1:30 of the clip... with the voice-over saying, "Angelina's got one, Madonna's got one, now Bruno's got one".
Photos of the funny faux adoption can be be found here: http://www.trendhunter.com/photos/46409/1