abandonment issues
How have you all dealt with abandonment issues??? I am pretty sure that I have them now. and it's wierd because only very recently have I realized this-and then I read an article and it had the same "symptoms" or whatever that's called (it's late here)-...I just seem to push people away sometimes...or well-yeah-if I get into really close relationships, dating exclusively-with friends, I do have friends in other cities...I know that doesn't always mean that you have abandonment issues if you have a bunch of other friends in other cities, but -well Niels was right when he said something about belonging to somebody. What does that feel like? what does that even mean? And then it said something about substance abuse users-I mean, any kind of people who aren't really available can be a symptom of having abandonment issues. I don't want to love unavailable people anymore-I just don't want to do it!!! But I feel like I have a harder time letting people go than others. A problem with rejection? I don't know what it is. Ok talk with you all later. Thanks for listening.